Yale Law school GPA

degrees in law. Ever since U.S. News & World Report began ranking law schools in 1987, Yale has almost always been No.

Fem. 8 AmeriCorps Members. Grund dafür ist, dass die Zulassungsquote für die Yale Law School sehr niedrig ist, was sie äußerst wettbewerbsfähig macht. Min.

From the first small group class meeting to the final gathering at Commencement, Yale Law School is an extraordinary community in which to study law. Law School GPA Low GPA Median GPA High LSAT Low LSAT Median LSAT High Accept S/F Ratio Empl. Is law school in your future?

For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students. You’ll then submit your entire application online through LSAC. Yale law school (YLS) is the law school of Yale University. Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected. Min. Here’s how: Get a high LSAT score. The average GPA at Yale is 4.14. The Lillian Goldman Law Library, commonly known as the Yale Law Library was built in 1931 and contains almost 800,000 volumes of print materials and about 10,000 active serial titles in which there are 200,000 volumes of foreign and international law materials. This article will take a general look at the GPA you need to get into each of the various tiers of law schools. Yale GPA Requirements. Fac. Class rank and GPA not reported. Well, a good GPA for law school is, of course, the GPA that gets you into the school of your dreams! The middle 50% ranges for these schools are: Yale 3.80 to 3.97, 169 to 175 Harvard 3.76 to 3.94, 169 … It also hosts visiting scholars and several legal research centers. November 2004. Students in the Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Human Rights are expected to attend weekly dinners in their sophomore spring and junior fall, unless they have a conflict with a prior and inflexible commitment. Only you can truly determine what is a good GPA to have at Yale or what is a good GPA to target. Average GPA: 4.14. No matter what your grades and standardized test scores are, you should consider Yale a reach school. 1 Yale University: 3.84 3.92 3.98 170 173 176 6.9% 4.2 81.7% 83.5% CT 98.3% 75.7% 1,364,230 65.0% 35.0% 11.7% 46.1% 2 Stanford University: 3.82 3.93 3.99 169 171 174 8.7% 4.0 88.8% 90.4% CA 2 Teach for America Corps Members. The GPA is the average value of submitted scores from 201 pre-admitted and enrolled first-year students and the average LSAT score is computed over submitted scores from 204 students. Yale Law School | Official Guide 2014 Page on Yale 2012 lsac.org Their 25th percentile is about a 3.8. http://lsac.org /docs/default-source/official-guide-2011/aba3987.pdf I can only get that link to work by copying and pasting the whole thing. Yale Law School is located in the picturesque New Haven, Connecticut. Yale Law School Class Profile is the lowest student to faculty ratio in the US. The average GPA of Yale Law School is 3.92 and the average LSAT score is 173. @10Mos St. The only guarantee you will not be admitted is if you do not apply, and we take seriously every application … Yale Law School (often referred to as Yale Law or YLS) is the law school of Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut. You can view those who applied to Yale Law School that were accepted, waitlisted, and rejected as well as filter by cycle and type of applicant (URM, International, Non-traditional). Pass Bar State Bar Library Male Fac.