why don t you have a girlfriend answers

It is just a style statement to have a Gf/Bf. Tell me why. 10 years ago. Fourth, I don't want to be married by the age of 23. Don't be too picky but at the same time don't let little things slide which then turns into bigger things that you then comprise for. Why don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? It doesn't have to be because it […]

21 Reasons You Can’t Get A Girlfriend One – You Aren’t Trying Enough Times. "I am a strong and independent girl who don't need no man!" I'm 21 and still single.I know.It sucks and I feel so lonely sometimes :/ maybe i haven't found the right one yet.. 0 2 0.

If not, then maybe you should be more considerate to others. Studies say the majority of guys that can’t get a girlfriend just don’t try enough times. coming from a girl... either you arent attrac tive or dont talk/flirt with her very much ((: it's either they don't like you or they don't notice you.

You should start out with making yourself seen, talk to some. I think it’s a dead-end question. As funny as that is, it's true! You're young yet, so the fact that you're single doesn't have the same implications that it has for a guy in his 40s, for example, who is unmarried and never been in a major relationship. in the normal yes/no way that most men do. Related Questions. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend! anyway why did u even ask that u. could b makin fun of people that's not right.

Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. Why don't you have a girlfriend?

Make sure that this is something admirable, like studying hard at college or trying to start a business, or trying to get an acting/music career off the ground, or doing Zen meditation.

It will prove for both boys and girls that love can be found!

"I don't have a girlfriend, but I know somebody who'd get mad if she heard me say that." Your girlfriend is genuinely busy. You can't just expect girls to come flocking to you like your some kind of gift from god! With 10 different Results, and 11 questions! Wiki User 2010-06-15 00:22:19. How many times does a young man nag about his Gf calling him in the middle of a cricket match to join her for shopping or over a cup of coffee ? (With honest answers and great advices) I know there are many like this but can you please take mine. Tell me why.

Is it because you're extremely anti-social? (flirt a little:) Girls do approach me a lot but lose interest in me after a while before even going out. Favorite Answer. Why Don’t You Have a Girlfriend? It's ok to have standards; but no one is perfect! Well I have a gf shes smokin. 26 Answers. You're young yet, so the fact that you're single doesn't have the same... - Girl's Behavior Question - Girl's Behavior Question She figures you're a catch, so why hasn't anyone nabbed you yet. I'm outgoing and fun to be around so why don't I have a girlfriend, yet? It gets better when you tell a different story to each of … You probably don't have a boyfriend because your not out there make yourself noticeable! Your girlfriend doesn’t think texting is that important. Because I am married to my high school sweetheart.

Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why you don't have a girlfriend? LOL. Is it because people don't find you attractive? Honestly you have to make an effort with them why should the try and talk to you when YOU are the one who wants to go out with them Use as many approaches as you can until you land the girl.

Your girlfriend needs space. "Why i don't have girlfriend?"

This article on Why You Don’t Have a Girlfriend is a great opportunity to do the infamous “10 Reasons Why” headline, which is a major clickba i t in the blogging community.

It’s best to answer like a politician would: “Why don’t you have a girlfriend ?” “That’s an interesting question, but more importantly is…” and then walk away as you mutter a non-sensical answer. Some things you can settle for but then there are others that you shouldn't settle. Many people have a life, because they don't have a girlfriend.

So I know that it is incredible pleasure to do sports 4 days a week rather than chatting with the wrong people.

For boys and girls!

I don't have one because after being in a relationship for about 2 years, we broke up and now i'd like to be single for a while. Relevance. Is it because you're extremely anti-social? Related Questions. Say it confidently, with a sly smile and move on.