how to be a nice person that everyone likes

While you don’t physically have to give the shirt off your back, a truly good person is be willing to be generous.

Nice people are a joy to be around, they inspire others and make the people they are with feel good about themselves. 1.) Please note: These are in no particular order.

If your parents are bad people, then they wanted to condition you to … 10 ways to be *that* person everyone loves. When I used to be nice. Guys love a bitch...there, I said it. But it’s because it’s who I was. As it turns out, there are some interesting qualities people who everyone likes have in common. You don’t want to hurt this person, but you know there really is no other option. But if you’re a nice, kind person, it's difficult to break up with someone you still consider a friend. But not everyone wants to hear about yours. If you’re within six feet of them, they greet you with a warm “Hello” or “Good …

[Read: 10 small changes to being a good person and transform your world] Understanding how to be nice to people is a way to conduct yourself in this life so that you feel good about you. Go into the conversation knowing that there is something very interesting about the person, and be determined to discover it. Give your time…gratis. Here are some common reasons below. Via Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone: Another way to show you’re interested is to summarize what the person is saying.

It seems you are conditioned to be a certain way, I suspect it’s your parents’ work. Similarly, people may or may not like a person based on a number of different and individual reasons, regardless of how nice they are. For some reason we tend to be drawn to bitches, whether it's how they carry themselves or their ability to embrace their brazen side in getting what they want, the nice girls just sometimes aren't enough.
Instead, they kindly inquire. What is one word that means a person who everyone likes? They’re all equal.

For example: Miley is a very _______ person, someone who eveyone likes and gets along with. Instead, think of it as a detective game, in which your goal is to learn as much about the other person as you can. Are you ready? If you’re frequently seen as a nice person, this is probably the sign that … (He scored a point. How nice a person is may not be an important factor to someone else. But remember that you can be the nicest person in the world, and that doesn’t mean that people are necessarily going to like … Good listeners don’t just listen, they make it clear to the other person they are listening by paraphrasing what they’ve heard. It’s like learning a foreign language and wanting to speak it without a trace of your natural accent. We all know at least one hardcore people-pleaser.

You always hear that girls love the bad guys or that nice guys finish last, well the same can be said on the flip side. Well, I hate nice people.

Bad people treat you like shit, they’re bad people. 6.

What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.” — Herman Hesse. 10 Ways to Be the Person People Like to Work With Next Article -- ... Everyone is afraid of rejection.

They look at people for the person they can be and can look past the present to see the person’s positives. Being well-liked takes intention. “If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness, and, therefore, your excellence.” ~Unknown. And if you still treat bad people nice, then good people will treat you like shit too, logically. A no-strings-attached approach to helping others also makes you more likable. If the uber-nice person you know doesn’t get upset, frustrated, or angry no matter what the circumstances, it’s entirely possible that they’re self-medicating to the point of catatonia. It is a sin and a crime to give people what they do not deserve. You know the signs: She sleeps out in the rain and gets a cold so her friend’s dog can fit in the tent. I hate them very much. People who are nice are also great influencers and have a … 1) Stop complaining: Everyone has problems. You are trained to be nice to everyone, but niceness is not virtue. Hanging with a Debbie Downer is the pits, so put your ... 2) Listen: Actually REALLY listen.

By being excessively kind and friendly to your coworker, you will make yourself look positively angelic. They are generous with their belongings. 30 Ways to Be a Nicer Person.

At work or a place they attend regularly, they smile at everyone within 10 feet of them. How to Be Well-Liked — The 10 Habits of Everyone’s Favorite People. Titled “8 Signs of Fake Nice People You Need to Be Aware Of,” an infographic from Lifehack presents one column featuring eight different traits and behaviors commonly displayed by genuinely nice people and an opposing column showing that fake people typically behave in the opposite manner. 3. How to Be Well-Liked — We Can Do More than Aspire. “I f you hate a person, you have something in him that is part of yourself. This method is especially useful if the colleague who leaves a bad taste in your mouth happens to be the office bitch. The Perils of Being a “Nice” Person . In these situations, it’s essential to remember that for some reason everyone else loves this person. The Let me tell you some ground breaking secrets. Now I need to score a point.) Think of the person you like the most–usually, it’s someone who …

It simply takes practice, patience with yourself, and time to perfect.