local government technology trends

The Local government 2035: Strategic trends and implications of new technologies report highlights a handful of technologies that are already shifting the … These trends challenge local government to review its current planning codes and experiment with new ideas that will allow mixed and flexible use of its assets and structures, respond …

Vision Jan 24, 2018, 06:00 ET . State and local government agencies will also leverage new federal funding streams, shoring up revenue to implement new technology. It got us thinking about the impact of technology on government, and motivated us to explore other civic tech trends and feature just a few of the many startups that are looking to make an impact in the year ahead. While the use of technology by government rightly garners a lot of attention, it is people that are still the heart of government. It is designed to assist government leaders who see the necessity for change and are looking for innovative ideas for the best way forward. Click through for the top 10 technology trends that government IT organizations should factor into their strategic planning processes, as identified by Gartner, Inc. View All Slideshows > The nexus of forces, which is the convergence of four powerful forces: social, mobile, cloud and information, is driving innovation in the government sector, according to Gartner, Inc . Rapid technology …

Here are eight emerging government technology contractors whose technology solutions hold great promise for improving the way we live, work, and engage within the public sector. A Technology Grants Guide for Local Government. It is the power of people plus technology that can drive true transformation. Through StateScoops daily reporting of emerging trends in state and local government, and with help from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), we have compiled herethe trends that are changing how government worksand the most illustrative examples of how it uses technology … 4 Tech Trends Changing How Cities Operate A recent survey reveals how local governments are using technology (both new and old) to engage citizens and improve performance. Technology is evolving faster than ever. Keeping up with the latest tech trends allows state and local governments to improve operations, effectively serve citizens and impact political outcomes. Local government trends in 2020. Such governments are faced with unique challenges, including aging workforces, tighter budgets, political uncertainty and cyber threats. These challenges influence how government … Community Editorial Team at Comcast Business.