why do eggs give me diarrhea

You must consult a doctor before taking any anti-diarrhea medicine. Namely, if you happen to experience diarrhea after egg consumption, you might be suffering from some conditions which disallow you to digest this type of food properly. If the diarrhea is not caused due to egg allergy and you tested negative in the allergy test, then probably the cause is eating raw or contaminated eggs. Well, the answer is yes.

Top Answer. Being raised on a farm and having eggs and milk as part of our daily diet for years this has me floored. After another morning with a nasty headache, upset stomach and dizziness after eating one boiled egg, I decided to do a search on why eggs make me feel so crappy and came across your post. Getting diarrhea after eating eggs could also be due to bacterial contamination, such as that from the popular salmonella. 2009-10-18 17:54:48 2009-10-18 17:54:48.


You should always wash your eggs before eating them, but this will not always make a difference.

Eggs are Good, Right? If you eat an egg or two every morning and if you have noticed that you are bloated the whole day, then you must be wondering if eggs really cause gas and flatulence. Even though eggs are considered to be one of the most protein-rich foods out there, they can still be harmful for some people.

Wiki User. Do Eggs Cause Gas? Eggs are one of the foods that cause gas and bloating in many people. Why do eggs give you diarrhea?

by Sonya Bauer over a year ago.

Diarrhea after eating eggs .