what to do during a tornado

Warning Signs of a Tornado Tornadoes can occur at any hour, but usually strike during the late afternoon and early evening (3 to 9 pm). Tornadoes can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris. Speaking of windows, we want to set the record straight about opening them during a tornado. When a tornado watch gets issued: Have a radio or TV nearby so you can receive further updates in a timely manner.

Some people do this because they believe that the pressure will equalize and the windows will not shatter. This is a myth! A tornado warning means that a tornado funnel has been sighted or is imminent based on radar information. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects through the air like deadly missiles. Tornado Watch. You may not have enough time to go to the lowest floor. Identify a safe place in your home where household members and pets will gather during a tornado: a basement, storm cellar or an interior room on the lowest floor with no windows. The key to surviving a tornado and reducing the risk of injury lies in planning, preparing, and practicing what you and your family will do if a tornado strikes. The key to surviving a tornado and reducing the risk of injury lies in planning, preparing, and practicing what you and your family will do if a tornado strikes. Power outages can stop an elevator in its tracks leaving you literally hanging during a storm. After a tornado, the wreckage left behind poses additional injury risks. Don’t take the elevator during a tornado or severe weather.

Flying debris causes most deaths and injuries during a tornado. Knowing what to do when you see a tornado, or when you hear a tornado warning, can help protect you and your family. Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle. Weather.gov > Safety > Tornado Safety . If a tornado warning has been issued for your area, you need to seek shelter. Knowing the basics of tornado safety, planning ahead and holding an annual tornado drill lowers the chance of injury or death if a tornado strikes.

Being in a car during a tornado is frightening enough, but under an overpass is even more dangerous.

What to do During a Tornado Stay Weather-Ready: Continue to listen to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio to stay updated about tornado watches and... At Your House: If you are in a tornado warning, go to your basement, safe room, or an interior room away from windows.
Warning Signs of a Tornado Tornadoes can occur at any hour, but usually strike during the late afternoon and early evening (3 to 9 pm). If you do nothing else: 1. I suggest changing kids into comfy PJs that provide long sleeves and paints that cover legs for use during tornado watches. Don’t seek shelter from a tornado under an overpass. Move to an underground shelter, basement or safe room. Always take the stairs. Adding to Quora User ‘s answer, most public buildings and many private homes are actually built with tornadoes in mind. Tornado Safety. During a tornado If you are in a house Go to the basement or take shelter in a small interior ground floor room such as a bathroom, closet or hallway. Flying debris causes most deaths and injuries during a tornado. What to do with kids during a tornado watch. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects through the air like deadly missiles. Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that extend from a thunderstorm to the ground. Although there is no completely safe place during a tornado, some locations are much safer than others. However, it helps to prepare ahead for tornado warnings, especially in areas of the world where this type of weather is common. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground.

Here are the best places to do that. A tornado warning means that a tornado funnel has been sighted or is imminent based on radar information. Involve your children in tracking the storms.