sundial bridge architect

Images by Daici Ano. Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava conceived the Sundial BridgeÆs unusual design, his first free-standing bridge in the United States. - Credit line: The Jon B. Lovelace Collection of California Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Library of Congress… This house stands in the middle of the fields in the country. “A bridge adds energy to the landscape.” ~ Santiago Calatrava, world-renowned Spanish architect and engineer who conceived the Sundial Bridge’s unusual design I was in the Redding area (in Northern California) for a wedding last June. Opened July 4, 2004, the bridge links the north and south campuses of Turtle Bay Exploration Park and serves as a new downtown entrance for Redding’s extensive Sacramento River Trail system. Architect: Santiago Calatrava . Redding's iconic Sundial Bridge has been drawing tourists off Interstate 5 since 2004 and generating millions of tourism dollars. A functional work of art, the remarkable bridge, designed by renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, spans the tree-lined, trout-filled Sacramento River in Redding’s Turtle Bay Exploration Park. Designed by world-renowned architect, Santiago Calatrava, the Sundial Bridge officially opened in July 2004 with a price tag of $23 million. Spanish architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava designed this innovative 700-foot-long pedestrian link—his first bridge in the U.S. The bridge was constructed of glass, steel, and granite. Sundial Bridge (backward cantilever with glass decking) CA, USA 2004 – Santiago Calatrava Architect Samuel Beckett Bridge (single-sided forward curved bow, evoking a harp) The glass decked, cable-stayed cantilever suspension bridge reaches 217 feet into the sky and, spans 710 feet across the Sacramento River, and is one of the world’s largest working sundials. Sundial Bridge . Our team of experts help architects, glaziers, contractors and owners solve design challenges and bring projects to life. Published: July 20, 2006 -- 15:57 GMT (08:57 PDT) Caption by: Bill Detwiler Sundial Bridge Santiago Calatrava, the architect who designed the Sundial Bridge, said it reminded him of a bird in flight. Santiago Calatrava Architect “Puente de la Mujer” Bridge Buenos Aires, Argentina (forward cantilever with gate-swing opening) 2002 – Santiago Calatrava Architect. Location: Redding, CA . A masterpiece by architect Santiago Calatrava, the Sundial Bridge in Redding, Calif., spans the Sacramento River. He is famous for representing movement in his designs. The leading supplier of value-added, glazing-focused products and services. With a few unscheduled hours early in the day I decided to do a little exploring, and knowing that the Sundial Bridge was nearby I made that my destination. Sundial Bridge in Redding, California. The Sundial Bridge is located at the Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding, California. The bridge is a giant sundial, the pylon casting its shadow on a garden below. Description: Designed by Santiago Calatrava the Sundial Bridge is an architectural marvel! The Sundial Bridge was meant to resemble a bird in flight. The client does firming on the side. During winter, the pylon/sundial casts its shadow too … The Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay crosses the Sacramento River in the heart of Redding, California. The translucent deck allows for viewing of the Sacramento River below. The Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay crosses the Sacramento River in the heart of Redding, California.