ship naming rules

Hi, I'm a few weeks into the game - have seen a few interesting Ship names mentioned in this sub and I would love to know how people are naming their ships and what convention they're using for Ship IDs (if any!)

For instance, vessels of the US Navy are named by the Secretary of the Navy under the direction of the President in line with the written rules for naming different categories of ships. April 25, 2014 by ... line of vessel naming. Your boat plays many roles in your life: it's a home, an escape, a grand adventure, a lifestyle, a livelihood, a partner in crime, and, yes, even a silent confidant. Once the construction of a ship is completed, the ship owner is notified of the completion and a particular date is fixed for its naming ceremony. CONTINENTAL NAVY NAMING CONTROVERSIES Ship Naming Controversies of the US Navy. US Navy ships have consistent naming conventions - Destroyers are named after casualty lists from the Spanish -American War (Fletcher class etc.) provide the ship hull with its identity. The Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines will replace the Ohio-class, starting to patrol in 2031. Probably not sub rules. Ship naming ceremony is held at the shipyard when a new ship is ready to sail out after undergoing the required sea trials. There have been exceptions to the Navy’s ship-naming rules, particularly for the purpose of naming a ship for a person when the rule for that type of ship would have called for it to be named for something else. Learn about the Navy’s ship-naming rules – and the exceptions – below. Ship naming ceremony – a memorable event for guests attending. A boat's name can relay a lot about its owner: life philosophy, life's work, love life, or lack thereof. The Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines will replace the Ohio-class, starting to patrol in 2031. Discussion. Alright, I know I am late to the party here. On the day of the ceremony, the owner arrives at the shipyard with family members, friends, and business partners to celebrate and . Learn about the Navy's ship-naming rules — and the exceptions — below. Missouri, New Jersey etc).

The most recent instance occurred on May 6, 2019, when the Navy announced that it was naming the destroyer DDG-133 for former Senator Sam Nunn. There have been exceptions to the Navy’s ship-naming rules, particularly for the purpose of naming a ship for a person when the rule for that type of ship would have called for it to be named for something else. Some observers in recent years have perceived a breakdown in, or corruption of, the rules for naming Navy ships. Re-naming.

2 December 2016. Battleships were all named after States (e.g. The Navy traces its ancestry to 13 October 1775, when an act of the Continental Congress authorized the first ship of a new navy for the United Colonies, as they were then known. Ship naming ceremony is held at the shipyard when a new ship is ready to sail out after undergoing the required sea trials. The ship naming conventions of countries with naval powers are followed in order to select a name for a new naval vessel. First you must remove the old name from the boat. Navy Ship Names: Background for Congress Congressional Research Service Since 1974, at least 21 U.S. military ships have been named for persons who were living at the time the name was announced.