sample letter of request to increase working hours

Tips when writing the letter. Use this letter as a template for your successful letter requesting part-time hours. Lisa Brown XYZ Company 356 Sales Road Brooklyn, NY 11223. June 13, 2020. Use our letter to issue to an employee once it’s been agreed they can increase their hours of work. This letter is to confirm your hours will change on [DATE] to [HOURS] hours. Thank you for your letter dated [insert date] regarding your request to change your working hours to fall in line with school term times. The reason for the request may be personal or work-related, but the letter should be written as a formal business letter to show respect …

An employee, who would like to change the timing that they work, needs to send a shift change request letter to their employer. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a delicate position and it is helpful to remember a few points before you start writing request letters. There are a variety of circumstances that may necessitate a change from working full-time to part-time. A Letter to Request Flexible Working (which may also be called flextime working or just flextime) is a document by which an employee can ask their employer for more flexible working options.. This letter is to confirm your hours will change on [DATE] to [HOURS] hours. When creating a letter to notify your employees of their reduced work hours, you will want to use language that is clear and simple. Dear Ms. Brown: I have been employed as the [administrative assistant] with [XYZ Company] for five years. Subject – announcement of new working time letter. Following are the details of the new timings. If you are returning to work from maternity leave and with to reduce your hours because of having a baby, you again have to notify your workplace in writing to say you are coming back but also requesting a change in working days, the shifts or the hours. Considering requests to change working hours All employees, who have 26 weeks of service at the date of application, have the statutory right to request to work flexibly. This is a letter that can be used to notify an employer of an employee's statutory request for flexible working. Lisa Brown XYZ Company 356 Sales Road Brooklyn, NY 11223. As you are aware, my work … This letter is written as the staffs will come to know about the new timings. Letter confirming an increase in hours request. Re: Variation to Main Terms and Conditions of Employment – Change of Hours. You can ask for more work hours personally or through a formal document as a request letter. Dear Ms. Brown: I have been employed as the [administrative assistant] with [XYZ Company] for five years. June 13, 2020. Letter confirming an increase in hours request. Dear Ms. Brown: I have been employed as the [administrative assistant] with [XYZ Company] for five years. RE: Reduce work hours. Simply addressing the letter with 'Dear (your manager's name)' will suffice.

Here you’ll find a sample of a request letter to ask for more hours at work. If an employee wishes to change their working hours, then they may need to write a change in time letter to their employer. This is a Precedent “Statutory Flexible Working Request” Letter for you to personalise.All the words highlighted in BOLD are legal requirements for the request to be valid.You must include these. The end/ review (delete as appropriate) date of this change will be [DATE].

The remainder of the letter is optional however our view is that including this information, where relevant, will help strengthen your argument and hopefully result in the request being granted. Explain the reasons you have to ask for more hours of work. Letter to request to increase hours