conclusion of family planning

1. Family Planning is a preventive measure which supports reproductive health care, as well as the emotional and social health of individuals and families.

Rwanda has made significant strides in improving the health of its people, including increasing access to and use of family planning. "National Research Council. FAMILY PLANNING, a term for programs to regulate family size that came into use in the West in the 1930s.Although it originally encompassed efforts both to promote and to curtail fertility, explosive population growth in the developing countries since mid-century has narrowed its meaning to control of fertility, including programs for prevention of conception, abortion, and sterilization. By helping women and couples have the number of children they want at the healthiest times in life, family planning can benefit mothers, infants, and children. Family planning affects nutrition in myriad direct and indirect ways. Suggested Citation:"Conclusion. I - Family Planning and Reproductive Health - Iqbal H. Shah ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) reproductive health has also been documented in the chapter. There are many possible conclusions about family planning. Family planning is a term that was created in the mid-twentieth century to refer to the ability to control reproduction through access to contraception, abortion, sterilization, and information and education. Contraceptive use has increased from 17% to 53% in just one decade, from 2005 to 2015. Reproductive control allows a woman to determine when and whether she will have children. Family planning services are defined as "educational, comprehensive medical or social activities which enable individuals, including minors, to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select the means by which this may be achieved".

UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS DEMOGRAPHY - Vol. Well-spaced births allow women’s bodies to recuperate and replenish essential There are different methods of family planning and bodies will react differently to any of the methods taken up. Family Planning services have had, and will continue to have, a significant impact on maternal and child health and socio-economic status of … Introduction Family planning is credited primarily for its role in bringing down the birth rates 1995.