how to save lettuce seeds

If you need some tips for getting your seeds started in the spring, check out my guide to starting seeds indoors. This means that seed savers need to leave a few fruits to fully mature in the garden when they want to save seeds. The process of saving spinach seeds may be meticulous, but it will prove valuable for future season's crops and years to come. The best way to save seeds for future plantings are to keep the seeds in the original seed packets; that way you know where they came from, the name, planting instructions, etc. Saving seeds completes the growing cycle and improves your crop from year to year.
Saving seeds from year to year reflects a gardener’s very best intentions and a naturally thrifty nature. Benefits of saving lettuce seeds for next year or season: You might be thinking why would anyone want to save lettuce seeds?

Complete, free instructions show you how to save pure seeds from your garden's heirloom vegetables. Selecting Seeds Before you go to the effort of saving your lettuce seeds, first, make sure to save seeds only … Most varieties of lettuce are grown all year round however some varieties are easier to grow and collect seeds from than others. Pull the seed heads from the flower stalks 12 to 24 days after about one-half the plants flower and collect them in a brown paper bag. Saving Lettuce Seed The lettuce family (called Asteraceae or sometimes Compositae) is comprised of over 23,000 species of plants.Salad lettuce is self-pollinating and fairly easy to grow, so it requires fairly small isolation distances and is ideal for beginning seed savers or those with small gardens. One of the best ways to accumulate seeds for the long term is to purchase a few packets of seeds monthly over time. These non-GMO, non-hybrid seeds are the ones you are going to want to save for your DIY survival vegetable seed bank. Once your lettuce bolts, leave a few plants in your garden bed, allow the flowers to bloom, then dry out completely on the stalk. Here are a few reasons why saving lettuce seeds: You save some green money at the store for your lettuce greens.

Just about every gardener has a stash of seeds — a jar or a shoebox full of miscellaneous seed packages with a few beans, some lettuce seeds, cosmos or marigold seeds harvested from the garden, and maybe some tomato seeds. One lettuce plant can produce hundreds, if not thousands of seeds – you only need a few plants to save lots of free seeds. Over time, seeds saved from your garden adapt to their particular growing conditions making your seeds specifically suitable to your garden, assuring a fruitful harvest. Then put them in clear Ziplock sandwich baggies with the date on the baggie. If you’re gathering and saving seeds from your own plants, spread the seeds on newspaper and let them air-dry for about a week. Jack Rowe, 1998. Sure, lettuce prices are not exactly crazy high. TIP: Toss expired seeds into a wild section of the … Create Your Own DIY Survival Seed Bank. Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook. How saving lettuce seeds is perfect for anyone too busy to bother with saving seeds. Also: how to breed your own new varieties!

Write seed names on the newspaper so … Collecting and saving lettuce seeds from plants in your garden is easy and a great way to save money. In short season growing areas, it might be necessary to start lettuces early indoors.
Dry fruited crops, like grains, lettuce, and beans, can be …