granny goodness vs thor

Mr. Marvel vs. DC: Worlds United is an upcoming Action/Advenutre Crossover Video Game. Though he has had relationships with Tigra. Durability. 80. Granny is also responsible for training former Female Fury Big Barda, who later helped Scott Free, a.k.a. Perhaps you’d make good Valkyries if you were….more mentally sound. She is the mother of Orion.

Not to mention some of Thor's feats, even at his standard levels, are loads better than most things Marvel has shown.

Thor vs Granny Goodness. I find her character quite interesting, disturbing, and successful as a supporting character when a Apokolypse storyline is involved.

100. Power. Though she usaually ends up dead. However, he sent Replicus to help Thor against the Dark Gods in exchange for having his sentence commuted. Miracle escape from Apokolips, guaranteeing herself two formidable enemies for life. See more ideas about Female furies, Dc comics and Big barda. And DS is more powerful than she. Who will win in a fight between Thor and Granny Goodness? At any rate, Granny goodness is a top tier skyfather. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Sign Up Login. Replicoid- duplicate of Thor, ... Gullinbursti + Granny Goodness --[Thorion#1 (letters)] ... After sending Replicus on a rampage, he was confronted by Thor and sent to prison. 100. Intelligence. Now The Heroes of Both Universe Must Challange each other for the fate of both worlds. Granny Goodness has all the powers of the New Gods, which include toxic immunity, immortality and super-physiology to name a few. Characters Heroes: Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Voiced by Tricia Helfer) King … Ok, so the Olympian runs into Granny Goodness in the express lane at Wal-Mart and is peeved that she kidnapped the Greek Gods that one time.

Nov 2, 2015 - Explore kevinmetzger718's board "Granny Goodness", followed by 506 people on Pinterest. Combat. I really wouldn't say that Granny Goodness sucks as a character. Granny Goodness is subordinate to Darkseid. 100.

Kirby saw the gods of Apokolips and New Genesis as heirs to the gods of Asgard he’d written about in Thor.The Thor backup series Tales of Asgard included a couple of stories about Ragnarok, the epic battle that wipes out Asgard, leaving new gods to inherit the world.Kirby never did anything with the idea at Marvel, but it became the inspiration for the Fourth World at DC. 100. Contents[show] Plot The Anti-Monitor & Galactus has Declared a Fight between both of their worlds in exchange for fate of one of their own. He'll get past the shield, Without the ALe. Granny Goodness stealth took down a pantheon and was able to mimick the powers of Athena when she disguised herself. It is also a crossover between DC and Marvel. Yeah, I said IF Thor was fighting to the best of his abilities. Darkseid is not married in most continuties, though he has had wives in the form of Heggra.

If you’re unfamiliar with this page, check out ShadEmman’s LEGO DC Vs. Marvel Page. Regardless, Odin and Thor are the only threats. The Old Gods of the First World were an ancient race, whose destruction led the way for the Gods of Earth and other planets as well as the Fourth World of Apokolips and New Genesis. At one point Thor was backed against a wall, the four Furies surrounding him, to which he said “Now, ladies, I’ll admit you are impressive foes. Post some scans of Granny Goodness and all these feats for you to claim shes above skyfather level while Superman beats down her boss and makes him fear for his well being. She got her start on Akropolis (Darkseid's home world), but not as part of the upper-class. All the while Granny Goodness watched with a quiet pride as her warrior women dealt with the Thunderer. Speed. 1 wins (50%) Thor (Thor Odinson) 29: statistics. The villains of DC's New Gods movie will reportedly be Granny Goodness and the Female Furies.