big boy train history

Softcover, 8.5x11. Union Pacific No. Donated by Union Pacific Railroad in December 1961, locomotive number 4014 was the most famous locomotive in RailGiants Train Museum’s impressive display of locomotives during its 52 years here. 4014 was retired in December 1961 after 1,031,205 miles, and was presented to the Southern California Chapter of The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society. The Challengers and Big Boys arrived on the scene just as traffic was surging in preparation for American participation in World War II. 4000’s fate – almost one third of the fleet. July 20 & 21, 1959. "But I'm here to tell you, we're committed to 2021," Moore said. It had a maximum power capacity of more than 6,000 horsepower and could haul a 3,600-ton train unassisted up the Wasatch Mountain grade. Because of their great length, the frames of the Big Boys were "hinged," or articulated, to allow them to negotiate curves. A Big Boy locomotive along with its tender weighed about 604 tons and measured more than 132 feet (40 metres) in length. The locomotive operated in revenue service until 1959. Big Boy-class 4-8-8-4 steam locomotive Union Pacific #4014 built by American Locomotive Company (ALCO) in Schenectady NY. Big Boy #4014 delivered to Union Pacific. Pulling freight on level track, it could achieve a speed of 70 miles (112 km) per hour. The 1.2-million-pound Big Boy 4014 locomotive is coming to the Los Angeles area, and you’ll have a chance to see it for free.The steam train will be … 4005 was the only Big Boy converted to burn oil as an experiment in 1946, during a miner’s strike. The 4000's were retired in 1959 but a few remained stored into the early 1960's. Union Pacific Railroad. "We saw last year how much America loves the Big Boy, and what it can do as the giant, rolling ambassador of the Union Pacific Railroad." The locomotives were 132 feet long and weighed 1.2 million pounds. 4014 is the only operating Big Boy of the eight that remain in existence.. No.

132 feet long with 16 big wheels and 12 small ones, it carried 28 tons of water and weighs 1.28 million pounds! December 1941. UP 3985 was part of the 4664-4 group of Challengers built in 1943. Unfortunately the first Big Boy, No.

Train enthusiasts and history buffs are lining tracks across the Midwest to watch the journey of the world’s only operating Big Boy locomotive. Big Boy No. 4014 is a Big Boy class steam locomotive having a 4-8-8-4 wheel arrangement. Thankfully, eight of these magnificent beasts survive today. The Union Pacific's historic "Big Boy" steam locomotive No. BIG BOY #4014 History November 1941. UP "Big Boy" #4014 . Finally, as if the 4000s weren’t big enough, the Union Pacific actually contemplated ordering five additional 4-8-8-4s that would be even larger.