arm interrupts and vector table

The vector table contains the reset value of the stack pointer, and the start addresses, also called exception vectors, for all exception handlers. Interrupt vector table: Directly supported by CPU architecture and/or Supported by a separate interrupt-support device/function address of handler 0 address of handler 1. address of handler 2. address of handler 3. When an interrupt occurs, the state of the CPU is saved and the CPU looks up at the Vector Table for the address where the service routine of the interrupt is located ( first instruction ) Again, coming back to the previous scenario, your in the game, your parents and friends call you one by one for work, for knowing where one is, you will be looking at the vector table. On the x86 architecture, the Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is a table that specifies the addresses of all the 256 interrupt handlers used in real mode..

In the ARM world, an exception is an event that causes the CPU to stop or pause from executing the current set of instructions. ARM Exceptions and the Exception Vector Table In a few words, the EVT is to ARM what the IDT is to x86. This information can be about the source of the interrupts, ISR address of the IRQ requests etc. The easiest way to populate the vector table is to use a scatter-loading description file to place a C array of function pointers at memory address 0x0. Figure 2.2 shows the order of the exception vectors in the vector table. The least-significant bit of each vector must be 1, indicating that the A Software Interrupt (SWI) exception occurs when the SWI instruction is executed and none of the other higher-priority exceptions have been flagged. You can use the C array to configure the initial stack pointer, image entry point and the addresses of the exception handlers, see Example 6.17. Exception and Interrupt Handling in ARM Seminar Course: ... Vector table It is a table of addresses that the ARM core branches to when an exception is raised and there is always branching ... Vector Table Code Interrupt stack Heap User stack The benefit of this layout is

Interrupt vectors Interrupt vector = address of handler function Allow different devices to be handled by different code. interrupt handling is a critical issue since it affect directly the speed of the system and how fast does the system respond to external events and how does it deal with more than one external event at the same time by assigning priorities to these events. So, each Vectored IRQ has its own unique ISR address. Interrupt vector table: Directly supported by CPU architecture and/or Supported by a separate interrupt-support device/function address of handler 0 address of handler 1. address of handler 2. address of handler 3. A special table called Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) contains all the information about the Vectored IRQ. And then it loads the Program counter with the address available at offset 4 and starts executing the same. Interrupt vectors Interrupt vector = address of handler function Allow different devices to be handled by different code. The least-significant bit of each vector must be 1, indicating that the exception handler is Thumb code, see Thumb state. In other words, the BIOS code initializes the computer system to such a state that the computer system is ready for loading the operating …