wrestling documentary 350 days

This compelling documentary chronicles their struggles to survive the chaos of 1980's era wrestling. In “350 Days, ” pro wrestling legends Bret Hart, Superstar Billy Graham and dozens more peel back the curtain on the severe toll working on the road 350 days a year took on their bodies, families, marriages and psyches.

– The 350 Days documentary featuring wrestling legends Bret Hart and Superstar Billy Graham is now available for pre-order on iTunes. 350 Days is a must see movie for pro wrestling fans young and old. The new wrestling documentary 350 Days tries to take viewers behind-the-scenes to let them know the struggles and hardships that wrestlers face. This compelling documentary chronicles their struggles to survive the chaos of 1980's era wrestling. Wrestling from the Heartland - The Lost Developmental Territory Volume 1 DVD-R $19.99 Championship Wrestling from Florida - The Story of Wrestling in the Sunshine State Double DVD Set I am Stephen Faust. No punches are held back. You will learn so much about pro wrestling (both good and bad), from wrestling legends such as Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Bret Hart, Billy Graham, Marty Jannetty, Lanny Poffo, Wendi Richter and the list goes on and on! In “350 Days,” pro wrestling legends Bret Hart, Superstar Billy Graham and dozens more peel back the curtain on the severe toll working on the road 350 days a year took on their bodies, families, marriages and psyches. Director Fulvio Cecere spoke with 72 legends of the business who shared very candid details about what it was like to spend most of the year traveling from town to town in vans and cars with other wrestlers. In '350 Days,' pro-wrestlers come clean about drugs, workouts and life on the road. Wrestling legend and producer Darren Antola talk new documentary 350 Days

In “350 Days, ” pro wrestling legends Bret Hart, Superstar Billy Graham and dozens more peel back the curtain on the severe toll working on the road 350 days a year took on their bodies, families, marriages and psyches. Greg The Hammer Valentine: 'I wanted them to believe everything that I did in the ring.' It’s also … 350 Days wrestling documentary features tales of sex, drugs and steroids. Pro wrestlers discuss the drugs, the drama and life on the road in new documentary '350 Days… “350 Days” shows the real-life sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle of the pro-wrestling business in the decadent 80s.

The title refers to the fact that many wrestlers — especially back in the territory days of the ’70s and ’80s — were on the road for up to 350 days a year. In addition to the documentary, this special one-night event will also present an exclusive introduction and interview with legendary wrestling manager JJ Dillon of The Four Horsemen to discuss the impact of the film and the current state of professional wrestling. This compelling documentary chronicles their struggles to survive the chaos of 1980's era wrestling.