winnie woodpecker doctor

Medical Winnie Pig is a short in of The New Woody Woodpecker Show, and is the first episode of the series to feature Winnie Woodpecker. Universal Studios Doctor Edition Size: 200 Limited edition cel of Woody Woodpecker, Winnie Woodpecker and Smedley the Dog.

Her neice and nephew are Knothead and Splinter. Winnie Woodpecker is the girlfriend of Woody. Teresa Bobcat (Bubsy's niece), Oblivia Cat and Ally Cassandra in the Bubsy TV pilot. Already a deviant? Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh for short) is an anthropomorphic, honey-loving teddy bear belonging to Christopher Robin that first appeared in Disney's 1966 short Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. Ward. Photos of the Woody Woodpecker (Short) voice actors. AnthroBodyDetachment. Winnie Woodpecker is a fictional woodpecker and is the wife or girlfriend of Woody Woodpecker.

The outrageous new Woody Woodpecker, in all-new episodes of The Woody Woodpecker Show, presents a fresh take on the favorite Walter Lantz characters who first came to life in 1941. Von Kook has been featured with Miss Meaney who helped her with the temper and Winnie Woodpecker who hepled her for the medicine job. Log In. . This title may not be available to watch from your location.

203 images (& sounds) of the Woody Woodpecker cast of characters. She decides to take them both on a date, which causes a fight between the two birds. 560x315px 6.38 MB. Dr. Woody, assisted by Nurse Winnie, gives Smedley his check-up! In that short Winnie had a date with Woody but Buzz Buzzard stopped Woody beacuse he wanted to go on a date with Winnie. Winnie first appeared in a Walter Lantz short, Real Gone Woody. In such a tricky situation like this, even the doctor does not seem to understand anything. … In that short Winnie had a date with Woody but Buzz Buzzard stopped Woody because he wanted to go on a date with Winnie. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Jul 27, 2013 - Woody and winnie Woodpecker Cartoons | Woody and winnie woodpecker 2 by widdywoodpecker fan art cartoons Stay safe and healthy.

Sign In; Website Language - EN. Winnie first appeared in a Walter Lantz short, Real Gone Woody. Pooh is based on the character of the same name from the book of the same name, written by A.A. Milne. An updated iteration Woody Woodpecker and friends with Chilly Willy and even Winnie Woodpecker, Knothead and Splinter appearing in … The hyperactive red-headed bird enters a turf war with a big city lawyer wanting to tear down his home in an effort to build a house to flip. Show More. Woody Woodpecker is a cartoon anthropomorphic woodpecker that has appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Studios.. With Billy West, Mark Hamill, B.J. The size of this piece is 16 Field (13"x16") and the size of the image is 9" h … fastbreak333 Hobbyist Writer. Go to Homepage. Account Menu. At the end, she rejects both of them and runs off with a singer bird. Tommy Stubbins in The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle; Mrs. Brown in Paddington Bear; Mage, Halinor in W.I.T.C.H. Directed by Alex Zamm. Featured in groups See All. Her only original theatrical appearences are in 1954's Real Gone Woody& International Woodpecker (as a cameo) and was voiced by June Foray.

This piece is numbered 65/200. Pooh borrows a balloon from him, and asks Christopher to lead him to a muddy place. Join the community to add your comment. Christopher Robin and Pooh are walking in The Many Adventures closing segment.. Christopher appears in all three segments of the film. Sign In. Go to to see the video catalog in United States. . Comments 2. See More by MrGigaZod. In Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, he is first seen repairing Eeyore's tail by nailing it on. He is a doctor working at a hospital. You Might Like .

Appearances Woody Woodpecker Cartoons With Eric Bauza, Timothy Omundson, Graham Verchere, Jordana Largy. She jumps out of her chair and remarks that the medical field intrigues her. Doctor Von Kook is a character from The New Woody Woodpecker Show. After disguising himself as a rain cloud, Pooh attempts to get honey from a tree.

Losing her head definitely messed up her reflexes. Ward, Andrea Martin. Winnie sits at home on her recliner, munches on popcorn, drinks a soda, and finishes watching an episode of "Woodpeck-E.R." Image size. In The New Woody Woodpecker Show, she is voiced by B. J. EN.