when did kurt warner retire

Literally. C. Cr4ck3r J4ck. Updated 1 month ago. It’s been 13 years, but Kurt Warner remains suspicious about whether he was cheated out of another Super Bowl title. Browse kurt warner retire pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket

While that was the end of Warner’s illustrious pro football career, he was only 37 years old at the time, and he arguably could have continued playing at a high level. Warner threw an interception in a playoff game against the Saints, and and Thread starter Cr4ck3r J4ck; Start date Jan 25, 2010; Tags kurt retire thinks warner; Forums. NFL Football. He didn’t oblige, and he’s been retired since. Warner got flat-out abused in his last game with the Cardinals, yet the team wanted him to return for one last run in 2010. The 2020 NFL Draft is tonight (April 23) which is exciting because it makes it feel like life as we knew it will be coming back to us someday soon. Warner said that in … People Are Convinced Former NFL Player Kurt Warner Had Plastic Surgery By Gina Vaynshteyn.

Kurt and Brenda did not meet while both were working in a grocery store, so you can throw out all that bit about his mooning over her timecard. NFL Football Forums. Although the NFL Draft was scheduled to be held in Las Vegas, due to COVID-19, it's now happening virtually. Jan 2010 . Kurt Warner took one of the hardest hits you'll ever see in his final NFL game. It wasn't that long ago when Hall of Fame quarterback Kurt Warner, who retired after the 2009 season, said he considered a return to the NFL. Who thinks Kurt Warner will retire?