unfpa pakistan call for proposal

The deadline for submission of proposal along with budget is September 25th, 2012 Please submit your proposals with the budget to pgonzalez@unicef.org and mehmood@unfpa.org Guidelines for developing proposal: Guidelines to develop proposal and budget are attached with the call for proposal … The contraceptive prevalence rate has stagnated, along with a very low number of skilled-attendance at births. Join us to have a real impact on the lives of children in Pakistan. Request for Proposals RFP-DAN-2020-503174 for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for COVID-19 pandemic UNICEF is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for PPE products to cover the forecasted PPE needs for COVID-19 response from participating UN Agencies and NGOs, including IAEA, IFRC, IOM, MSF, PAHO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS,UNPD, UNRWA and WHO.

Deadline: 30-Sep-20 During the current Covid-19 crisis, the Embassy and Consulate General of the Netherlands intend to strengthen partnerships … Box 3065, Kigali, Rwanda, Tel. Category … This call for proposal focusing on output 1.1 is intended to: 1.

UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the UNFPA 6 th Country Programme.

The European Union (EU) is seeking proposals for its programme entitled “Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children”.

UNFPA shall notify applying organizations whether it is considered for further action. Any requests for additional information must be addressed in writing by 29 October 2019 at the latest to alazar@unfpa… PROCUREMENT RE-ADVERTISEMENT UNFPA/RFP/MNG/18/003. UNFPA Global site; What we do; Topics. UNFPA Pakistan. Only … REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PROPOSALS TO DEVELOP AND OPERATIONALISE A YOUTH AND SPORTS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM . 31 October 2018 . These calls for proposal are not for humanitarian funding which can be found under the Financing decisions. UNFPA is looking for two partners: one in the Alfred Nzo and OR Tambo districts, Eastern Cape province; the other in the uThukela district, KwaZulu-Natal province.

A Project Proposal on Enhancing Women’s Capacity to Prevent and Respond to Gender Bases Violence through Sports Association of Kigali Women In Sports (AKWOS) P.O. UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals to promote access to information and services on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for adolescents and young people.

UNICEF Pakistan home page. Depending on the type, complexity, size and value of the project and its procurement elements, commonly used methods of solicitation include: Request for Quotation (RFQ) An RFQ is an informal invitation to submit a quotation, usually for goods/services/civil works at a value between US$2,500 and $100,000. Title: Provision of IT and logistic Equipment. UNDP Procurement is based on competitive bidding. Invitation for Proposals ... UNFPA Pakistan 2nd Floor, Serena Business Complex Khyaban-e-Suharwardy, G-5 Islamabad, Pakistan By 07 November 2019 Proposals received after the date and time may not be accepted for consideration.


The world’s sixth most populous country, Pakistan contends with the risk of natural disasters, a large and growing youth bulge, and entrenched poverty and inequality, all of which pose significant challenges to delivering reproductive health services. UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, is currently inviting qualified organizations to submit proposals for the 6th Country Programme to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Turkey.

These calls for proposal are not for humanitarian funding which can be found under the Financing decisions. (0250) 0830 3398, www.akwos.org 1 Applications must be submitted in English. Tender Opening Schedule . The Ministry of Labour, Youth and Manpower Development (MLYMD) with support from the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA are working towards the establishment of a Youth and Sports Management Information System (YOSMIS).