tusken raiders are evil

The result is that they view themselves as being at perpetual war with the invaders. Fearsome desert savages inhabiting the rocky Jundland Wastes, Tusken Raiders are the foremost reason Tatooine colonists do not wander far from their isolated communities. The Tusken Raiders were the original inhabitants of Tattoine before Hutts and Humans and everyone else kicked their ass and stole large chunks of their planet. And the invaders regard them as animals, the same way colonizers generally spit on colonized tribes. Extremely territorial and xenophobic, Tusken Raiders will attack with very little provocation. I gathered as much info as I could about what happened to Shmi while she was a … I heard on a Star Wars Explained video that the Tusken Raiders and Jawas are both descendents of an ancient species that inhabited Tatooine long before it was nothing but sand.

What exactly did the Tusken Raiders do to Shmi Skywalker in Attack of the Clones? They built cities and whatnot and when they were forced into slavery they revolted and to retaliate the slavers proceeded to bombard Tatooine until it was nothing but sand. They show no allegiance to even their native world-mates, as these nomads have attacked Jawa scouting parties on occasion.