trio german band

It was so memorable, it enjoyed a new lease on life in the late '90s when used in a Volkswagen commercial. Complete your Trio collection. A Dynamic Power Trio performing on Multiple Instruments and Vocals, Covering a very wide variety of music and songs from old German Polkas and sing alongs, to current Country. Rush No other band has merged hard rock and prog as effectively as Rush has. A community for Trio fans. Although first heard in the U.S. on the

1980–1985. Smitty from Earth Good example of a "song" where the music and beat are the stars and the scanty lyrics are just along for the ride. Stephan Remmler (vocals, Casio VL-1) Gert Krawinkel (guitar) Peter Behrens (drums) German NDW (German New Wave) band. The group is best known for international hit single " The original german release of the selftiteled album is one of the best minimalist Rock'n Roll, (Post)Punk music i ever heard. Translation of 'Da Da Da' by Trio from German, English to English. Trio (sometimes written TRIO) was a German minimalist new wave band. Trio is an sad example like the wish for international success can destroy a realy great band. Garden Bee Baby Shower Vintage Tea Glamping See All Themes Event Inspiration. Trio fans.
It was #33 on dance songs, that is h u g e. Whoever wrote this is a liar! Comments: 30 . Contributions: 5018 translations, 24 transliterations, 11430 thanks received, 381 translation requests fulfilled for 107 members, 23 transcription requests fulfilled, added 16 idioms, explained … LOG IN Requests Account Log Out Party Themes. Trio was formed in 1980 by Stephan Remmler, Gert "Kralle" Krawinkel, and Peter Behrens. "Da Da Da I Don't Love You You Don't Love Me Aha Aha Aha" (usually shortened to "Da Da Da") is a song by the German band Trio (sometimes stylised as TRIO). Mention German music and certain musicians might come to mind, be it classical composers like Beethoven and Bach on one end of the spectrum, or hard rock and industrial names like Rammstein on the other. Anon from Usa It WAS popular in the US when it came out in 82! Da Da Da Songfacts; Trio Artistfacts; send your comment. The Alpine Trio - German Band in Riverside, CA. It … Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Trio - Whats The Password at Discogs.

Say what you will about the German trio called Trio, but "Da Da Da" remains one of the most memorable songs to emerge from the '80s. FAVORITES +1. Active from 1980 to 1985, it consisted of Stephan Remmler, Gert "Kralle" Krawinkel, and Peter Behrens. 361 likes. Turaluraluralu - I'll BuBu what are you doing is a Christmas carol of German band Trio, which in December 1983 as a single from the album Bye Bye has been decoupled.