theater of the oppressed activities

The Centre for Community Dialogue and Change (CCDC) is a Bangalore, India based organization for Theatre of the Oppressed. It begins with the idea that everyone has the capacity to act in the “theatre” of our lives; everybody is at once an actor and a spectator. facilitate Theater of the Oppressed activities to help middle school students make sense of bullying.

It is a participatory theater that fosters democratic and cooperative forms of interactions among participants Theater is emphasized not as a spectacle but rather as a language accessible to all. It is a participatory theater that fosters democratic and cooperative forms of interactions among participants Theater is emphasized not as a spectacle but rather as a language accessible to all. ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ uses games and exercises to create images of a situation of oppression for the target audience. Such information begins the workshop, but is also interspersed throughout the games and exercises. And indeed, it has been found time and again that basically "anti-racist" or "xenophile" behaviour can aggravate conflict situations.

Hector Aristizabal — Photo: N. Balaji Theatre can be used to heal, to teach and to bring about change. Methodologically, the two projects relied chiefly on “Theatre of the Oppressed” as developed by Augusto Boal, specifically in his "Forum Theater" concept.

The goal is to show how theater can be used to create a world where human rights are appreciated and experience or not using theater as a pedagogical tool, the stories, plays, and detailed learning activities presented here will guide you through the principles and practice of Augusto Boal's revolutionary Theater of the Oppressed (TO) methodology.
The first is background information on TO and the various exercises provided by the workshop facilitator (or "difficultator," as Boal prefers to describe it).
The article introduces the concept of Image Theatre, Forum Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed and includes activities such as The Great Game of Power, Status Pictures, Flashbacks, Complete the Image and Rainbow of Desire as well as a handy glossary. The (*) THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED Augusto Boal is the Brazilian dramatist who, during over forty years of work in different parts of the world, has developed the techniques of Theatre of the Oppressed. But, obviously, the Aristotelian theater is not the only form of theater. Read More

It sets out the principles and practice of Boal's revolutionary Method, showing how theatre can be used to transform and liberate everyone - actors and n-actors alike! Theatre of the Oppressed. Theater of the Oppressed was established in the early 90s by Brazilian director Augusto Boal. It was then that the idea of writing a Manual on Theatre of the Oppressed took shape. The "typical" Theatre of the Oppressed workshop comprises three kinds of activity.