oxford comma lawsuit

The drivers say because there's no comma before the words "or distribution" ... it means the law only applies to packers, not folks doing the actual distribution.

The Oxford Comma Debate. However, no one can really get on the same page when it comes to these commas. However, Associated Press (AP) style, which journalists and newspapers use, omits the Oxford comma. O’Connor, along with about 75 other drivers, filed a class-action lawsuit to sue Oakhurst Dairy for $10 million in unpaid overtime. In English language punctuation, a serial comma, or series comma (also called an Oxford comma or Harvard comma), is a comma placed immediately after the penultimate term (i.e. Peace was restored. For example, “I’m going shopping for eggs, bread, milk, and cheese.” The Oxford comma is commonly used for clarification and in writing styles like the MLA Handbook and The Chicago Manual of Style. The Oxford comma is the comma you put after the next to last item in the list. It was Oxford University's public affairs department, and not the OUP, that had decided to stop using the Oxford comma. Watch the video to find out the judge’s ruling and see if that Oxford comma came in to save the day for O’Connor and his fellow drivers. As a result, the lawsuit was dismissed. It is also referred to as “the serial comma.” This may sound straightforward.

A lawyer for the plaintiffs declined comment, but said they plan to appeal. A lawyer for the plaintiffs declined comment, but said they plan to appeal. Maine Dairy Drivers Settle Overtime Case That Hinged On An Absent Comma : The Two-Way "For want of a comma" in a state labor law, a federal … The OUP said it had no intention of disowning the comma.