american dad future

is an American Animated Sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane (creator of Family Guy). Later at a restaurant, they peruse the pictures the other kids took and receive a suggestion from a mysterious janitor to throw their own party, which Steve decides to do while his parents are on vacation in Bosnia for all of the kids that never get invited to parties.

He is soon offered a chance to write another jingle for a seafood restaurant, but having his victory go to his head, he writes an overblown production that bankrupts the restaurant chain.

Directed by Rodney Clouden. When Stan discovers the plot, cyborg Stan resets Stan's alarm clock so he'll oversleep and the cyborg can take Francine to Hershy Park himself. Meanwhile, when Steve, Hayley, Klaus, and Roger hear about a contest to write a Pizza Overlord jingle, Roger manages to compose the prize winner.

Worried about their bickering, Stan and Francine go to extremes to save their marriage; Roger excels at jingle writing. The guys get invited to a party hosted by Mertz for the cool kids, only to find they were set up to be egged.

His future self tells him that he must train to defeat the machines that will attempt to take over the world, but it is a ruse for cyborg Stan to take Francine out for the day. With Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, Scott Grimes, Rachael MacFarlane.

It focuses on the Smith Family including Stan, Francine, Haley & Steve as well as their pet fish Klaus (who's really a man whose mind was transferred into that of a fish) and an alien named Roger. American Dad!