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Therefore, it is pretty safe to assume that the main diet of this dinosaur was probably fish. What did they eat?

The Suchomimus was about the same size as the T-Rex and had a ridge of skin on it’s back like a Spinosaurus, only much smaller. To judge by its long, narrow, crocodile-like snout and its presumed ability to swim, the largest meat-eating dinosaur that ever lived, Spinosaurus, preferred seafood, as did its close relatives Suchomimus and Baryonyx. CAMILA ALLI CHAIR DID NOT GAVE HER PERMISSION FOR THE ADMIN TO USE THE ARTWORK Based on how big this Suchomimus was, paleontologists estimated that a full-grown Suchomimus …


Suchomimus is a genus of large spinosaurid dinosaur with a crocodile-like mouth that lived between 121–112 MYA, during the late Aptian stage of the Cretaceous period in Niger, Africa. Large predatory dinosaurs living at that time include: Suchomimus, a fish-eating spinosaur, the short-snouted Kryptops, and Eocarcharia. Introduction A large carnivorous, or flesh-eating, dinosaur, Suchomimus inhabited the continent of Africa approximately 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous period (144–65 million years ago).Suchomimus is classified as a member of the family Spinosauridae, which consists of crocodile-like dinosaurs called spinosaurs. It was ab out 11 metres long and 3.5 metres tall …

[] their tooth structure and gut remains showed they ate mostly invertebrates, so things like cephalapods.They ate fish, squids, mollusks and other small sea creatures. What Dinosaurs did Spinosaurus hunt for food? Recently, scientists have found

There is a lot of evidence supporting this The only species in the genus is Suchomimus tenerensis , but there is a theory that it might just be another species of Baryonyx instead. Suchomimus probably did not rely exclusively upon fish for its diet and fossil evidence for spinosaurids suggests that they were opportunists that fed upon dinosaurs as well as pterosaurs.‭ ‬However what is not known is if they actually hunted dinosaurs or scavenged the remains of already dead animals.‭ ‬The fact that the teeth were adapted for catching prey rather than killing it,‭ ‬may suggest that Suchomimus had … • The fore limb claws of Baryonyx were almost 12 inches long. Nigersaurus lived with a menagerie of unusual dinosaurs, crocodilians and flying reptiles, as well as fish, turtles, and snakes. It was only a teenager, but it was still big. • Baryonyx was the only known piscivorous (fish eating) dinosaur till the discovery of Suchomimus in Niger in 1997. It also had huge claws that seemed like they would work well for holding fish for it to eat. Sometimes they did eat other smaller dinosaurs as well.

Fish, of course, were also a favorite food source for pterosaurs and marine reptiles--which, while closely related, technically don't count as dinosaurs.

Spinosaurus is now seen by most experts as a highly adapted semi aquatic piscivore so a carnivore that specialised in eating fish. What did suchomimus eat - Answers. CAMILA ALLI CHAIR DID NOT GAVE HER PERMISSION FOR THE ADMIN TO USE THE ARTWORK Suchomimus was a close relative of Spinosaurus.

suchomimus eats tyrannosaurus rex and allosaurus and megalodenand tricertops and fishes and sarcosuchus and spinosaurus andalmost everything it even ate mans … It was first discovered in 1997 by Paul Sereno. • The main antagonist Rudy, in the 2009 animated movie Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, is described as an Baryonyx. Although it is likely that it also lived off carrion and other forms of opportunistic meals. The relatively long arms of Suchomimus, which it likely dipped into the water to spear passing fish, are another clue that this dinosaur subsisted on a mostly marine diet, perhaps supplemented by scavenging abandoned carcasses.