snoke is jar jar

Before we proceed, the following content is beyond the far-fetched. Snoke maîtrise le côté obscur de la Force et apparaît dans les films Le Réveil de la Force et Les Derniers Jedi où Kylo Ren l'assassine et prend sa place en tant que suprême leader du Premier Ordre.

Jar Jar Binks was a Gungan male military commander and politician who played a key role in the Invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars that culminated in the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Il s'agit d'un Gungan vivant dans la cité sous-marine d'Otoh Gunga, et qui a été exilé par le chef Boss Nass. Snoke being Plageius is the only thing that makes sense, the only thing that brings the whole trilogy to a close with a nice bow on top. From there, Jar Jar would let the events play out, earning the trust of the Jedi, so he ventures with them when they reach Anakin sometime in the future. It's still popular - even after the Aftermath trilogy of novels included a scene on Naboo, that showed an aged Jar Jar treated as an outcast by the Gungans because of his unwitting complicity in founding the Emperor. But… hear it out. Theories- Supported & Debunked / Darth Jar Jar Theory Too Who is Supreme Leader Snoke? This is a major question that everybody has had after seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens. Jar Jar Binks est un personnage de la saga cinématographique Star Wars. Snoke est un personnage de fiction de l'univers de Star Wars. Il est le suprême leader [1], [Note 1] du Premier Ordre jusqu'à sa mort, et maître du jeune Kylo Ren. Jar Jar may not be the secret identity of Supreme Leader Snoke, but that doesn't mean the Darth Jar Jar theory is dead. Lastly, Matt Smith just has a … So let’s start of us with the actual film. C'est une théorie complètement folle, mais on serait tenté d'y croire : Jar Jar Binks aurait bien caché son jeu depuis le début et serait le grand méchant de Star Wars.