select definition computer

Command-D: Select the Desktop folder from within an Open dialog or Save dialog. adj. When the item is selected, it has a shaded or fog-like background inside the square encompassing the item. Option definition is - an act of choosing. Click Settings . Desktop or Laptop? In most programs, pressing Ctrl+A selects everything in the current window.. For example, while in Microsoft Word if you press the Ctrl+A shortcut key, all text in the document would be selected. 1. Computer Select definition: The first CD-ROM subscription service that aggregated articles and abstracts from major computer periodicals. On your computer, click the Start menu .

360° – Das studentische Journal für Politik und Gesellschaft (5); AVR (5); Arbeitsrecht der Caritas (6); Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit (41); BIOS – Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (8); Berufliche Rehabilitation (39); Betrifft Mädchen (437); DDS - Die Deutsche Schule (327); DDS – Die Deutsche Schule (18) The winning ticket was selected at random. n. A portable computer with a display screen hinged to a keyboard, small enough to use on one's lap. Set Chrome as your default web browser. 2. Select definition: If you select something, you choose it from a number of things of the same kind .

Chip select (CS) or slave select (SS) is the name of a control line in digital electronics used to select one (or a set) of integrated circuits (commonly called "chips") out of several connected to the same computer bus, usually utilizing the three-state logic.. One bus that uses the chip/slave select is the Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI bus).. lects

How to use deselect in a sentence.
The primary decision criteria for selecting a personal computer are: 1. Option-Delete: Delete the word to the left of the insertion point.

Selecting definition, to choose in preference to another or others; pick out. See more. Folder: A digital folder has the same purpose as a physical folder – to store documents . To take as a choice from among several; pick out: We selected the ripest pears at the orchard. It may also have a checkmark in the upper-left corner or to the left, indicating it's selected.

Definition of how to select a computer in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionary How to use option in a sentence. (adjective) An example of select are the most valuable trees in a forest. To take as a choice from among several; pick out: We selected the ripest pears at the orchard. Definition und Erklärung LAN: LAN ist das Akronym für Local Area Network und bezeichnet räumlich begrenzte Computer-Netzwerke, in denen verschiedene Computer und Peripheriegeräte verbunden sind, um eine gemeinschaftliche Ressourcennutzung zu erlauben. how to select a computer synonyms, how to select a computer pronunciation, how to select a computer translation, English dictionary definition of how to select a computer. Control-Command-D: Show or hide the definition of the selected word. SELECT: A SELECT is the fundamental statement of structured query language (SQL). If you make Chrome your default browser, any links you click will open automatically in Chrome. Deselect definition is - dismiss, reject.

The SELECT statement, which follows a consistent and specific format, begins with the SELECT keyword followed by the columns to be included in the format.

To select a file, folder, or other icons on the computer, click your left mouse button once.

Open your default apps: Original version: Click System Default apps. The SELECT statement, which follows a consistent and specific format, begins with the SELECT keyword followed by the columns to be included in the format.