principles for the ecological restoration of aquatic resources

Get this from a library! This combination of ecological and social benefits can lead to improved social–ecological resilience.Humans benefit from a closer and reciprocal engagement with nature. Principles for the Ecological Restoration of Aquatic Resources (EPA841-F-00-003) •The list of principles are based upon lessons learned from on-going and completed projects. Forests, pastures, wildlife and aquatic life come in this category. Dr. Karen Holl will discuss her new “Primer of Ecological Restoration” In twelve brief chapters, the book introduces readers to the basics of restoration project planning, monitoring, implementation, and adaptive management, as well as ecological principles to guide ecosystem recovery. Restoration ecology is the scientific study supporting the practice of ecological restoration, which is the practice of renewing and restoring degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems and habitats in the environment by active human intervention and action. This Graduate Certificate aims to address the growing demand for ecological restoration professionals in areas such as restoration ecology, natural resource management, environmental science, environmental consulting, fire and wildlife ecology, watershed management, wetland sciences and wetland restoration, and mine rehabilitation.

Ecosystems in Florida, the southeastern US, and the world face an unprecedented threat from climate change and human activities. Our coalition advocates for comprehensive and scientific restoration of Southern California’s remaining wetlands in a manner that is consistent with our principles. Dr. Karen Holl will discuss her new “Primer of Ecological Restoration” and associated online teaching resources. Principle 9 (Stakeholder Inclusion): Wetland restoration project planning and implementation should involve all interested stakeholders in a process where public input and discussion opportunities are provided.

References: i. USEPA (2000). Restoration Ecology. Principle 1. Environmental Protection Agency. The full discussion on ”Restoration Principles: Principles for the Ecological Restoration of Aquatic Resources” can be found at Australia contains large tracts of relatively intact land and water ecosystems, which represent an invaluable natural heritage. Restoration ecology has a botanical bias, as plants comprise most of the biomass in terrestrial ecosystems, govern important ecosystem functions (Young et al., 2005), have pivotal role in providing soil stability and resource retention (Tongway and Ludwig, 2011) and influence the restoration of animal and microbe populations (Davy, 2002). •The list of principles have been determined to be critical to the success of a wide range of aquatic resource restoration projects. Appendix 2 Values and principles underpinning ecological restoration First order Ecological restoration: Supports and is modelled on indigenous ecosystems and does not cause further harm. Dr. Progress in wetland restoration ecology. EPA841-F-00-003. Principles for the ecological restoration of aquatic resources.. [United States. Principles for the Ecological Restoration of Aquatic Resources. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3270040207. The Principles, Requirements and Guidelines for Water and Land Related Resources Implementation Studies (PR&G) govern how Federal agencies evaluate proposed water resource development projects. Effective restoration requires an explicit goal or policy, preferably an unambiguous one that is articulated, accepted, and codified. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 4(2): 169-177.