konarak iran navy

Iranian Navy Moudge Class frigate, fired upon an Iran Navy vessel named "Konarak" The risk is there is more to this than being reported - but little concrete news as yet. A photograph released by the Iranian army showed burn marks and some damage to the vessel, though the military did not immediately offer detailed photographs of the site of the missile's impact. An Iranian navy “friendly fire” incident in which a ship was sunk has killed dozens of sailors, unofficial reports say. Kilo Class (3). In this satellite photo provided by Maxar Technologies, the Iranian naval support vessel Konarak, center, is tied up at the port in Konarak, Iran, on Monday, May 11, 2020. The Konarak was considered a light support vessel and can carry dozens of crew, but it is unclear how many personnel were on board. The Jamaran, Iran’s … An Iranian navy “friendly fire” incident in which a ship was sunk has killed dozens of sailors, unofficial reports say.
Displacement: 2325 tons Dimensions: 74 x 9.9 x 6.5 meters Propulsion: Diesel-electric propulsion, 2 x 1000 kW Diesel generators, 1 x 5,500-6,800 shp, Propulsion motor, 1 x fixed-pitch Propeller Iranian frigate Jamaran was conducting a naval exercise nearby and shot a new anti-ship missile at the support ship, killing 19 and injuring more than a … But when the cruise missile was fired, Konarak had not distanced itself enough from the designated target, so the missile locked on the vessel. Get the Forexlive newsletter Nineteen sailors died when their ship was reportedly hit during a test of a new missile. Support vessel Konarak was operating near the southern city of Jask, south of the Strait of Hormuz. The Konarak was considered a light support vessel and can carry dozens of crew, but it is unclear how many personnel were on board.

Iran towed the Konarak into a nearby naval base after the strike. One of Iran's 3 SSK Kilo class submarines. The missile struck the Konarak, a Hendijan-class support ship, that was taking part in the exercise.
Local journalists said the frigate Jamaran was testing a new anti-ship missile which locked onto and hit Konarak, a logistical ship.

Iranian frigate Jamaran shot and sank another Navy vessel Konarak was reportedly tasked with placing targets within the firing zone.

Local journalists said the frigate Jamaran was testing a new anti-ship missile which locked onto and hit Konarak, a logistical ship.