kindly make payment at your earliest convenience

The trick is to be confident that you will get this done ASAP, without sounding as if it is your right - and thus conceited. Like almost any statement, a polite statement can be made rude by the context, or if spoken, by the tone of voice. In the spectrum of faux pas, pet peeve, and taboo, this grammatical goof may not qualify as a gross infraction, but it does deserve a quick glance to define what is - and what is not - acceptable in business language.

You can use this email for both old and new clients. Step 2: Send a follow-up email. at your earliest convenience, or no later than [date].” It sounds jargony.

I was told they send out 4 or 5 of these type messages and increase the frequency as the termination date approaches. 72500 has been long overdue. 1. • Bill will ship your order as soon as possible, but must complete three other tasks before going to the stockroom; he writes: “I'll ship your order at my earliest convenience.” (Polite.) 72500 has been long overdue. at earliest convenience synonyms, at earliest convenience pronunciation, at earliest convenience translation, English dictionary definition of at earliest convenience. It just sounds really odd to use "kindly" that way. at your earliest convenience From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English at your earliest convenience at your earliest convenience formal TCM SOON as soon as possible – used in letters We should be grateful if you would reply at your earliest convenience.
1. Use this script and most of your clients should pay you within two weeks. Instead of saying 'kindly inform me', just say ' please let me know'. At Your Earliest Convenience. First, determine how much you’ll charge and after what point.

In the spectrum of faux pas, pet peeve, and taboo, this grammatical goof may not qualify as a gross infraction, but it does deserve a quick glance to define what is - and what is not - acceptable in business language. Knowing how to ask for payment in an email in a professional way -- in fact, knowing how to write professional emails in general -- is one of the most important skills you can learn as a consultant or freelancer. At your earliest convenience is, as Tim says, a common idiom that I consider quite polite, if for no other reason than "at your convenience" is hardly ever used outside of this idiom, so it seems formal and the formal sense is polite. Part 1: How to ask for payment politely. Tomorrow at 10 would be good.....only joking! Simply adding a note on the invoice regarding your company’s late payment policy will ensure that you are paid on time. 2. Por favor comuníquese conmigo a la brevedad posible para decirme si el distrito escolar pagará por esta evaluación independiente. In spite of our repeated reminders, you have not cared to make the payment for the 5 tons of paper delivered to you on the 20th of February. Unfortunately, you’re invoice is due and you have yet to pay. A better option would be “. . Keep in mind your business relationship with customers. yes that's fine or don't hesitate to contact me with your preferred time and day for a meeting at your earliest convenience. • Jane, offended by your request, puts your order at the very bottom of a giant pile of orders, then writes sarcastically: “I'll complete your order at my earliest convenience.” (Impolite.) In spite of our repeated reminders, you have not cared to make the payment for the 5 tons of paper delivered to you on the 20th of February. as in the promise of forecast figures at YOUR earliest convenience. Short. might be something you would write in an email to a colleague with whom you have had enough contact to be on first name terms, but preserving the fact that this is a formal piece of correspondence. 2. The former sounds very formal and something my grandfather would say.
