kent state shooting interview

Thought I would post it … Click the video player above to watch the report and our interview with John Cleary about his memories of the Kent State shooting. READ MORE: Kent State Shootings: A Timeline of the Tragedy The Days After Kent State.

The Kent State Shootings, 35 Years Later Writer Philip Caputo returns to Kent State University, 35 years after he covered the shootings there as a … Seattle protest in reaction to the Kent State shootings, May 5, 1970. … Interviewing Career Exploration & Development | The interview is your chance to shine and an opportunity for both you and the employer to decide whether you are right for each other. The politically active students at Kent State had an uneasy relationship with the conservative townspeople of Kent, and they clashed many times in the weeks leading up to the shooting. The Kent State Guardsmen Oral History Project will result in an extensive digital archive. KSU Students Meet With President Nixon On May 6, 1970, President Richard Nixon met with six students from Kent State University, just a couple of days after the shootings at the university on May 4. Remember, you don't get a second chance to make a great first impression! Museum of History & Industry, Seattle And Nixon’s memoirs will show that; there’s a quote [by Nixon] that the days after Kent State were the darkest of his presidency. After Nixon awoke from a nap on May 4, 1970, Chief of Staff H.R. Kent State shooting witness Mike Alewitz recalls May 4, 1970 by Connecticut Public Radio/WNPR published on 2016-05-03T18:17:13Z Central Connecticut State University Art Professor Mike Alewitz was a student at Kent State University when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on students protesting the U.S. invasion of Cambodia on May 4, 1970. The Kent State Shootings Oral Histories project collects and provides access to personal accounts of the May 4, 1970, shootings and their aftermath.

Interview with eye-witness to Kent State Shootings Back in the early years of high school, I interviewed my uncle, an eye-witness to the Kent State Shootings.