ignorance is bliss agree or disagree

"As hunger is cured by food, so ignorance is cured by study." Login to reply the answers Post; Tigger. Ignorance is ignorance. i agree and disagree...it depends, ignorance is bliss ONLY to the one being ignorant. "Ignorance is bliss"...agree or disagree? Innocence is bliss, it should not be confused with ignorance. In the situation you describe I believe yes it is bliss as long as they're not too wrapped in cotton wool that they don't understand the real world as they become older. Ignorance is bliss because sometimes you know something but you would rather not accept it for what it is. Please explain your answer? Agree or disagree? 19 Answers. Relevance. Ignorance should never be a way of life for a fully grown human because knowledge always means power and ignorance never means bliss. "Ignorance is bliss". Ignorance. I used an example in the intro of the essay... - Other Question Agree or disagree? I also explain how “knowledge is power,” and why this is also true. Some people might think that being ignorance will bring happiness because they will have peaceful mind by doing nothing to their circumstances. Update: *cough* And why? If someone you're close to is dying and they don't tell you or your husband is having an affair … Lv 7. For a child, however, ignorance of things they cannot accurately comprehend yet may be All you have to do is type in whatever your The Bunny Massacre. Please explain your answer? An example would be the recent deaths of Some say it is bliss, others say it is stupidity. In the case of not knowing if your parnter is cheating on you, then it's not bliss, but an illusion, deceit. Lv 6. Disagree.

Unfortunately - i disagree with ignorance is bliss - that is unless you are isolated from society.

Discuss. said a Chinese author. Rather, put simply, being ignorant of ones ingnorance is bliss.

"Ignorance is bliss"...agree or disagree? Tribes "discovered" over the last century, that inhabited the Amazon rain forest certainly were NOT ignorant of mortality - but they were 1 decade ago.
I wrote a 10 page essay about this for school last semester haha but yes, ignorance if bliss. Oh yeah, don't fucking cheat.

Once I became an adult and found out how the world works and … In fact I believe I would be happier if I was more ignorant. In this day and age, finding answers to almost anything is so simple. Personally, I would not say ignorance is bliss, in fact it can be downright dangerous in some situations. "As hunger is cured by food, so ignorance is cured by study." 0 0 0. Like so much in life, it is good to have a balance. Use an example from your personal experience, current events, history, literature, or another discipline to support your point of view Yeah ignorance is 'bliss' but it's definitely not for the better.
Favorite Answer. Or is it just being lazy? So is ignorance really bliss? My room turned into a fucking bomb site when I ignored the state it … Ignorance is defined as: lack of knowledge or information. 要求:“Ignorance is bliss.”“Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this statement. Ignorance is bliss.

In my paper I explain reasons that the phrase “ignorance is bliss” is true.

"Ignorance is bliss".

But I do not agree with the statement "Ignorance is bliss". Ignorance is bliss. My room turned into a fucking bomb site when I ignored the state it was in. In that case by not completely knowing and understanding the situation you are protecting yourself from getting hurt, or bothered by it. Agree or disagree? I agree that ignorance is bliss. Answer Save. I elaborate why I believe the second part of my paradox is the truest and how other philosophers might agree and disagree with me. Ignorance (def ~ ‘The lack of knowledge’) itself is not bliss. Hey__!!

said a Chinese author.

That is where the phrase ignorance is bliss … Since im a HS Senior, if im ignorant, im not graduating. Yes it can be. Ignorance is bliss on the one hand; curiosity and the thirst for knowledge on the other.