how to put together a flute

The purpose of this hash line is to guide the flute player in proper placement of the head joint. To successfully play the flute, you need to master hand and finger placement. Professional flutes are sometimes referred to French models, also called "open hole." Putting together a flute is very straight forward. The head joint should slide in (it only fits on one side) and push it almost all the way in. So take out all three pieces and I will show you how to put them together. Assembling your flute – Putting together a flute. This video is a quick guide on how to put a flute together without damaging it. And your body. In this video I am going to show you how to put your flute together, and then where to put your fingers when you play it. Whether you’re a complete novice to the flute or have some experience on the instrument, always have a basic fingering guide with you to ensure that you’re playing the correct notes on your flute. How to Assemble a Flute: You have decided to play the flute, but do not know how to properly assemble the instrument. Line up the embouchure hole with the tone holes on the middle joint. - Now you're ready to put the flute together. How to Put Together a Flute and Proper Posture. My director told me to use steel wool, but … Connect the head joint and the body at the "safety zone". I will be posting more and more things about the flute so tune in!. Well, there's actually more to it than you think because the tone you produce is directly related to exactly how you put it together, and Florence is an expert on this. Open your flute case... GENTLY take all the pieces out.. (To make this easy the longest piece is piece 1 the second longest piece, the mouth piece, is piece 2 and the shortest is piece 3).

make sure your head joint is positioned to where you're in tune. When reading this flute fingerings chart, you'll notice the holes are empty or filled in. Send me an email if you have a specific question. Take your head joint. There are three sections to a silver flute. There is the head joint: this is where you will blow to make a sound. Since your fingers will be resting on keys, we need to discuss the two different kinds found on flutes. Finally, there is the foot joint: the shorter of the pieces that goes on the end. If it is all the way in it will be out of tune. At Amro Music, your Memphis music store, we offer a variety of flutes for purchase or rental, as well as advice on how to care for your flute. If you're having trouble assembling your flute then you probably have a bent or mis-sized tenon.