how to offend someone in a smart way

speaking or behaving in a clever or funny way that shows a lack of respect. In order for you to insult me I would first have to give a fuck. (In fact, a BBC study showed that U.K. citizens find the word "spastic" to be the second most offensive term for disabled people.) I would like to apologize to anyone I haven’t offended. 34. At some point in time, we’ve all been the target of insulting comments. 35. We can’t force people to behave a certain way, and we can’t force, what we deem to be truth, onto other people. It promotes a sense of community and shows transparency. When a word tends to get used in offensive ways, it is a simply observation that it is being used in such a way. This way, he can open up and share. 37. Creatively insulting someone is one way of delivering a quick comeback that settles a score or puts someone back in their place. Some will be upset or angry, so be sure who you are insulting. Enter A Name. We can’t force people to behave a certain way, and we can’t force, what we deem to be truth, onto other people. To many people, calling someone "spastic" is just as offensive as calling someone the r-word.

If you get fed up with someone trying to control your language and speech and acting like they are superior and PC (politically correct), here are a few things you can say. At least you're spreading something besides your legs. Or, "Our attorney says we have to use this language." Keep in mind that not all people will think they are funny. With these clever insults you can insult someone without they know what to say back. Enter the name of someone who you want to insult, and we'll generate an intellisult for you here! 11 Phrases Intelligent People Say Every Day (and So Should You) ... That’s why smart people say these things every day, if only to themselves. About; An intelligent way to insult. Intellisult. If you fall back on saying, "this is how we've always done it," your boss might start looking for someone who can do it a different way. Free thesaurus definition of someone who is intelligent or well informed from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus …

I personally believe that I don’t purposely do anything to offend anyone. Intellisult is the most intelligent insult generator on the web and will create the smartest insults you've ever read. The biggest one is, I try not to act like I'm some kind of authority figure that they should respect or obey. Instead of assuming someone’s disposition, just ask. It must be exhausting getting offended by everything.

You're Here. There you have our list of insults that are suitable for stupid people. ... People simply want to be smart and fit.

(optional way to say it: I'm sorry Dear, in order for you to insult me I would first have to give a fuck.

If the way things have been done make sense and the changes you are being asked to do would create unnecessary problems, then frame your argument in those terms. Music Oddwin - Lake. Here is a good way to insult someone. Use any of these to let stupid people feel your distaste for their opinions. This can be very useful with someone … Creatively insulting someone is one way of delivering a quick comeback that settles a score or puts someone back in their place. You can say that you feel hurt, surprised, or saddened. 9 Phrases Smart People Never Use In Conversation.

If the insult seems real, and not some misguided attempt at a joke, the situation can be hurtful and confusing. How many spoonfuls of Bitch did you have this morning? What to say to someone who gets offended easily. Rumors? Being broad-based, in contrast, can be useful when you have had enough of a person because of the sum total of his or her bad behaviors and wish to have nothing further to do with that person. If they didn’t mean to offend you, you can say that you feel relieved to know that they wouldn’t ever intend to cause harm. Being specific also lets you focus on the person's behavior instead of on the person as a whole when the person's action is what makes you deliver an insult. How to Insult Somebody Creatively. behaving in an informal or friendly way towards someone who you do not know very well, ... smart adjective.

I rarely insult people at all. And once people get used to the offensive connotations of a word, it makes sense not to use it any more when we do not want to offend someone.