how to keep squirrels out of chicken coop

Tunnels had been dug right underneath our fencing and into the chicken run where we kept an endless supply of delightful chicken feed …

This will keep the mice and rats from burrowing into your chicken coop and leading weasels into it. Tweet. And my poor hens seem to cower in the corner of the run when the squirrels are there. Hawks, owls or birds of prey: Use a wire mesh over your chicken coop. Traps and poison can pose a health hazard to your chickens as well as other animals, so instead I recommend these five easy, precautionary measures to keep rodents out of your coop: 1) Block any possible entry points into the coop – Mice and rats (as well as snakes and weasels) can get through a hole as small as one inch.

Clean up spilled feed. One of the hardest things in keeping chickens is keeping those chickens out of the reach of chicken predators. We saw the first rat around our coop about a week after we moved our teenaged birds into it. Scare them. Rake your yard regularly to remove these items from under bird feeders and trees. If you put chicken wire or hardware cloth up to keep out the raccoons, this should be sufficient as long as it’s attached properly without gaps. All of the chickens huddle in the corner freaking out while their food gets raided.

I've finally figured out a great way for how to keep wild birds out of a chicken coop. A very effective method of dealing with problem squirrels is by setting a trap. I look like a homesteader who's completely lost her marbles when you walk into my chicken coop, but I don't care. Use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to keep squirrels out of your trash.

Learn about keeping animals out of chicken coop. For more discussions on squirrels and how to deal with them visit the Predators and Pests section of the forum. I guess the squirrels never realized that there was food and water in the coop, but now they're in there all day. A dog or cat may keep squirrels out of your yard, particularly if your dog chases squirrels. First, keep the chicken coop clean. Use hardware cloth around the run and over coop windows. How to Keep Snakes Out of a Chicken Coop | Animals - › Farm Animals No one wants to see a snake in or around their chicken coop.

The chickens are mostly free ranged during the day but do come frequently to the house either to lay, eat or whatever. Follow these simple steps to squirrel-proof your birdhouses this spring and help keep nests safe. Share. The first step for preventative chicken mites treatment is to squelch the introduction of lice and mites into your coop.

5. It is beginning to take over the house during the day. They can provide good protection for the hens.

Pin. Any suggestions from keeping the squirrels out of the chicken house. Bury it 2-4 feet deep around your coop and chicken run to deter the raccoons from digging. If you can’t keep other animals and wild birds out of your chicken coop, then your chicken coop is totally useless and you will face huge amount of loss and damages in your business. Here’s how to keep your hens safe. How to Make a Cage for Keeping Squirrels Out. Raising the floor of your chicken coop will add extra security to your chickens. Remove or securely cover feeders at night. What's more, is there are also sparrows flying in and out of the coop! There's a horrible reason why you need to keep squirrels out of the chicken coop and away from your chickens.

If you take measures to avoid attracting minks and keeping them out of your coop, you will usually be successful.