how to find the side length of an equilateral triangle given the area

Given the area of an equilateral triangle, what is an algorithm to determine the length of a side? The area of an equilateral triangle is the amount of space that it occupies in a 2-dimensional surface. The side of the equilateral triangle that represents the height of the triangle will have a length of because it will be opposite the 60 o angle. The area of any triangle is given by the length of the base times the height divided by 2. Consequently, the measure of its … 1 Answer Gió Jun 6, 2015 Have a look: Answer link.

Related questions. An equilateral triangle is a triangle that has three sides of equal length. For example, the area of a regular hexagon with side length s s s is simply 6 ⋅ s 2 3 4 = 3 s 2 3 2 6 \cdot \frac{s^2\sqrt{3}}{4}=\frac{3s^2\sqrt{3}}{2} 6 ⋅ 4 s 2 3 = 2 3 s 2 3 . Equilateral Triangle What is an equilateral triangle. Therefore, we can find the height of the altitude of this triangle by designating a value to . Trigonometry Right Triangles Special Right Triangles. Question: How to find side length of equilateral triangle given area. An equilateral triangle has three sides that are equal in length to one another, and the three angles created by the intersecting sides are equal. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to … If you draw your triangle you will easily see that if you bisect it vertically you have a right angle triangle with base $b/2$ and hypotenuse $b$.

An altitude slices an equilateral triangle into two triangles. The smallest of the two legs equals and the hypotenuse equals . To calculate the area of the triangle, multiply the base (one side of the equilateral triangle) and the height (the perpendicular bisector) and divide by two. How can I find length of side of equilateral triangle given only altitude which is #12sqrt3#? If you need to determine the value of "x" on an equilateral triangle, the process is different depending on what "x" is supposed to represent. You are trying to calculate the length of the base. You are trying to calculate the length of the base. Firstly, it is worth noting that the circumradius is exactly twice the inradius, which is important as R ≥ 2 r R \geq 2r R ≥ 2 r according to Euler's inequality. Advanced Properties. Triangles are geometric shapes with three sides. By way of the Pythagorean Theorem, the longest leg or . These triangles follow a side-length pattern. To recall, an equilateral triangle is a triangle whose all sides are equal and the measure of all the internal angles is 60°. What are the Special Right Triangles? So, an equilateral triangle’s area can be calculated if the length of its side …