how does scrooge feel about his sister

In the last of the 5 scenes, how do you think Scrooge feels about Belle's family? Mortality rates from giving birth were very high. Unanswered Questions. Scrooge suddenly rebelled and stole a guards dagger. How does scrooge feel about his father? Why does his sister go to see Scrooge a boarding school and how does Scrooge feel about his sister? How does scrooge feel about his father?

Over the course of the story, she goes from playing with her dolls all day to keeping track of the progress of the war with maps and studying German history. How does Scrooge his behavior change when he sees himself as a young boy. Bruno finds Gretel as lacking empathy and rather self-centered. Why does seeing his sister make Scrooge uneasy? Whilst we do not see any reference to how Scrooge and hs fathers relationship developed we do know that Scrooge was boarded out at school even at Christamas

The man collapsed, wearing heavily. The old man looked up st him and softly spoke" son, … What do we learn about Scrooge's home life when Fan visits him at school in A Christmas Carol?. Whilst we do not see any reference to how Scrooge and hs fathers relationship developed we do know that Scrooge … You can find the rest at the GradeSaver link below, Answered by Aslan on 12/9/2015 4:18 AM Ghost of Christmas past takes Scrooge to see his sister, Scrooge becomes uneasy because he has no relationship with his sister or his sister's son. SB-9 When is a sailboat the stand-on vessel in relations to a recreational power boat.

The ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge brings Scrooge back in time to a scene where his sister Fan has come to take him home. Answered by Aslan on 12/9/2015 4:18 AM Ghost of Christmas past takes Scrooge to see his sister, Scrooge becomes uneasy because he has no relationship with his sister or his sister's son. Why does seeing his sister make Scrooge uneasy?:D. Who is Fezziwig and what lesson did you teach his apprentices? Get an answer for 'What does Scrooge feel when he sees his nephew Fred and his friends discussing him?' and find homework help for other Arts questions at eNotes His Sister's death causes Scrooge lose all interest in the world except for money and work. How did Scrooge feel towards his sister? That Scrooge does not want to face his past suggests that there is sadness in that past he finds painful, which has the effect of humanizing Scrooge a bit .

The rest turned around and opened fire. Scrooge and his sister Fan move to London where Fan gives birth to Fred (Scrooge's nephew) but dies from giving birth. Thanks in Advance. He was quickly tackled and disarmed. Scrooge knows who he will probably get to see again: his dead sister, Fan, or Fran. He is the master and he teaches kindness . We learn from Fan's visit that Scrooge had a very unhappy home life when he was growing up. Seems sincere. Ex-wife and Scrooge.

Scrooge tries to avoid this past by begging or apologizing, but the ghost—not in an unfriendly way—ensures that …