grass whip vs scythe

They have a feature that allows you to make sure you are ordering a scythe that will fit you. I think this topic is a very interesting one and personally I don't know much at all about scythes or how … • Scythe is more comfortable as one can use it in upright, standing position whereas one has to stoop to work through grass and weed while using a sickle. True, and a scythe would be a poor choice for clearing grass by a chain link fence. Scythe Supply is, in my opinion, the best source for purchasing scythes and scythe supplies. • The blade of a sickle can be smooth or serrated with serrated blade considered more efficient when reaping grain. I can see a case for both, but I think most modern non-simpleliving people would reach for a weedeater without thinking about it if they were clearing an area like the video. The technology of the grass scythe hasn't changed much in 400 years. This discussion about using a scythe and how it compares to a whipper snipper or brushcutter came initially from @Jeff Keys post over here Whipper snipper cord thread where he gave a persuasive argument to ditch the power tools for the ancient scythe - it deserves a separate discussion.