gajar ka halwa recipe nisha madhulika

Made from Grated carrots, milk, sugar, mawa in cooker and easy to make recipe of Gajar Halwa and tasty. You have relished your favorite Gajar Halwa during winters, what if you crave for Gajar Halwa after winters. Carrot Halwa Recipe Without Milk and Sugar Gajar ka halwa is not the most ideal sweet dish for those watching their weight. It’s one of those dishes you find every other Indian/Pakistani making during winters because you get those beautifully reddish, sweet and juicy carrots, which are this season’s hallmark. Gajar ka halwa or Carrot pudding is a traditional South Asian dessert that is made with carrots, milk, fats and sugar. So whether you're looking to shed the kilos or your diet choices don't allow milk-based products, you can still enjoy It’s a winter delicacy and is made using the juicy red carrots. Ingredients For Gajar ka Halwa Recipe . Gajar Ka Halwa or Carrot Halwa is a traditional Indian sweet or dessert made with fresh red carrots, milk, and sugar. Gajar Ka Halwa or Carrot Halwa is India's famous dessert originated in Punjab. My mom makes the best ever carrot halwa and today I am sharing her simple and easy recipe to make this. Ingredients for Gajar ka gajrela : Peeled carrots - 4 (500 gms ) Sugar - 1/2 cup (125 gms ) Cashews - 10 to 12 ; Almonds - 10 to 12 ; Full cream milk - 500 ml ; Ghee - 1 tsp ; Green Cardamoms - 4; … But you can easily substitute milk and sugar in the carrot halwa recipe with other alternatives. Even vegans can't enjoy this dessert thanks to all that milk. हिंदी में पढ़िए - गाजर का गजरेला । Gajar Ka Gajrela | Gajar ka special Halwa. It is very good dish mostly cooked during the winter season. Here is an easy recipe to do it.