design patent example

For example, photographs or photomicrographs of: electrophoresis gels, blots (e.g., immunological, western, Southern, and northern), auto- radiographs, cell cultures (stained and unstained), histological tissue cross sections (stained and unstained), animals, plants, in vivo imaging, thin layer chromatography plates, crystalline structures, and, in a design patent application, ornamental effects, are acceptable.

D367,461] Cylindrical Pleated Air Filter With Top and Sidewall Filtering Areas, K & N Engineering, Inc. [Design Patent … source. How To Protect UI with Design Patents. For this reason, our terms and conditions specifically disallow any kind of bulk or automatic downloading of data from our system. May 8, 2013. Can I patent an architectural design?

U.S. Patent No. Read more about some of them here. A patent application form is a must when you are trying to get a patent for your invention. D457,884 (Computer Mouse) U.S. Patent No. As with a utility patent, a design patent is subjected to an examination in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which includes a prior-art search. Please follow the terms and conditions link on the bottom of each page for full details. In this case, the object may be a building. The takeaway from last month’s Design Day 2013 at the United States Patent & Trademark Office was clear — user interface design patents are more important than ever. You can download this template and get an idea and design your own patent application form. Design patents cover the aesthetic non-functional design of an object.

Know more! One design patent example is the iMac, a popular computer used in schools and by individuals in the late 1990s. It didn't qualify for a utility patent because it was not the first computer sold to educational institutions or people. As long as your design is novel and non-obvious, your design may be (design) patented. Some examples of design patents include ornamental designs on jewelry, automobiles or furniture, as well as packaging, fonts and computer icons (such as emojis). Our agreements with the national offices participating in the Global Design Database project preclude us from redistributing data. D507,107 (Messenger Bag) U.S. Patent No. Applying for a patent; Examples of patents; Print Examples of patents There are countless examples of exciting inventions – advanced, technical solutions and simple, clever ideas. D449,645 (Binder System) For example, one would have difficulty obtaining a design patent for a riveting machine, as it would generally not have aesthetic appeal. Below are examples of design patents we have prepared and/or prosecuted for our clients. The functional aspects of an invention are covered by a utility patent. Free Sample Patent Filling Support Application Form Download.

Yes—using a design patent (which are called registered designs outside the US).

You can read about everything from horse shoes to smart systems for pilots. Both design and utility patents may be obtained on an invention if it is new both in its utility (what makes it useful) and its appearance. Here are a few examples: Automobile Hood, SLP Performance Parts, Inc. [Design Patent No. This template includes a free sample patent filling support application form.

D418,465] Vehicle Wheel Front Face, American Racing Equipment, Inc. [Design Patent No.

Here are some of the greatest innovations examples which got them patented. The microwave clothes dryer holds a utility patent since the microwaving process qualifies as a utility for the manner in which the machine dries clothes, as opposed to the exterior style and decoration of a clothes dryer that holds a design patent. 5,948,732 (Herbicidal Agent Based on DEET and Method of Using Same) Sample Design Patents. U.S. Patent No.

Some famous design patent … By Rob Tannen, PhD. Read this interesting article on patent innovation by IPTSE and know how patent can be beneficial in protecting your innovation. Objects often hold more than one patent protection. “Generated Images” (i.e., user interfaces and icons) are the fastest growing segment of design patents. Examples of other utility patents include the working components of cell phones, televisions and digital recorders. In its entirety, Apple's patent for the original iPhone, listed simply as an "electronic device," says only that it is an "ornamental design of an electronic device, as shown and described." In layman's term a design patent is a type of patent that covers the ornamental aspects of design.