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He also appeared as himself in the comedy CB4 (1993). is set in Jackson, Mississippi and features Coach Dianna "Miss D" Williams and her Dollhouse Dance Factory, home of Miss D's Dancing Dolls team, which was founded in 2001. The troupe has over 15 Grand Champion titles and more than 100 trophies, and consists of children aged 10 to 17. He is also no stranger to the other side of the camera, directing videos for himself as well as Prince and Color Me Badd , as well as co-writing his screenwriting debut, Friday (1995). Baby Names and Meanings. … Naming your baby is the most important choice you can make as an expecting or new parent. Ice Cube's debut in Boyz n the Hood (1991) led to more roles in such films as Trespass (1992), Dangerous Ground (1997) and Anaconda (1997). Baby D were originally another outlet for his compositions, consisting of lead vocalist Dee Galdes-Fearon, Claudio Galdez on keyboards and windsynth and Terry Jones (stage name MC Nino) on vocals and keyboards. The LaBrant Fam. Cancel Unsubscribe. Loading... Unsubscribe from The LaBrant Fam? has been a trusted source of names for over twenty years. Premise. Bring It! The show also features the Baby Dancing Dolls, consisting of children under the age of 11. They appear on the track "Casanova" of Jazz & Bros Grimm released in 1989. The name garnered attention after a story about a seven-year-old girl with autism, called Abcde Santos (pronounced, "ab-suh-dee"), hit US news in 2014.