UBC graduate acceptance rate

From an Offers perspective, there was a 95.8% increase in those same 25 years (a yearly average of 3.0%), going from 2,665 Offers made in 1995 to 5,219 Offers made in 2019. APPLICATION DEADLINES. 23,398 prospective grad students applied to UBC, but only 25 per cent received admission offers. Follow our simple 4 step process for applying to a UBC graduate program.. Now, let’s discuss why the rate is so high. With an acceptance rate of over 50% and around 25% for undergraduate and graduate courses, respectively, the institute allows a fair chance to all the worthy and deserving candidates.

Wikipedia states the acceptance rate at UBC is 52.4%, but this seems completely wrong to me! UBC Annual Report on Enrolment provides information related to enrolment for the Okanagan and Vancouver campuses. Application Process. Enrolment Statistics 2019/20. [The degree listing provides instant access to degree program information, including a program overview, career options, tuition information, requirements, statistical details and much more. In contrast, international students have admission rates of 44 per cent in Vancouver and 71 per cent for the Okanagan. University of British Columbia Acceptance Rate The admission rate at the University of British Columbia is estimated to be 46%. The UBC acceptance rate is very high according to US standards. For graduate students, admission rates to UBC are much tighter. I read an earlier post here that talked about the acceptance rates of Canadian schools. Application Components and … Reports are located on the Planning and Institutional Research website. While some might counter argue the competitive aspect of admissions in light of this high acceptance rate, however, it is no cakewalk to gain enrolment at the institute.
Admission Requirements. Deadlines vary depending on the programs to which you are applying and whether you a domestic or international applicant.. The final piece, Registrations, saw an 116.6% increase in 25 years (a yearly average of 3.4%). Information on minimum academic requirements for admission to a UBC graduate program.. I googled the ubc acceptance rate and saw that it had ~55% acceptance rate while sauder has a ~5% acceptance rate.

In my high school with a graduating class of over 600, I know of only 3 people who were accepted into UBC, many more who tried and were not accepted, and hundreds who did not even bother applying because they knew they would not get in.