Speed limit signs Scotland

Wed, 25 Nov 2009 - 12:55. Instead, minimum speed limits are signalled with a blue circular sign and a number in white. Rule 124 of The Highway Code has been updated Roads & Driving in Scotland. Speed limits was changed from 6 April 2015. mjkerr. Speed kills - speed limit signs save lives. Signs at the end of minimum speed limit zones feature the same blue circle and white number, with an added red diagonal line. Full Version: Speed Limit Signs (Scotland only) FightBack Forums > Discussion > The Flame Pit. Many drivers think it is 60 mph. Instead, minimum speed limits are signalled with a blue circular sign and a number in white. If there's no signpost, national speed limits apply. Speed limits are indicated on circular signs with red border and a number; Speed limits are in miles per hour; National speed limits are 70mph on Motorways and Dual Carriageways for cars (60 for towing caravans) - 30mph in Built-up area (20mph around schools) - 60mph otherwise for cars (50mph for caravans) The speed limits in Scotland remain the same and European speed limiter requirements also remain unchanged and must be set at 56mph or lower. There is no minimum speed limit that applies to all UK motorways. There is no minimum speed limit that applies to all UK motorways. Once outside the specifically regulated 30 or 40 mph zones, drivers were restricted only by a general requirement to drive at a speed "reasonable & prudent" for the conditions. After that there were no signs with a speed limit on them for a 100-mile stretch of road to Perth, despite the whole length of the route being covered by average speed cameras. Minimum size of speed limit signs (Scotland) The study of British and Irish roads - their construction, numbering, history, mapping, past and future official roads proposals and general roads musings. Speed limits are often signposted - look out for a circular sign, with a red border and number (in miles per hour). On Dual Carriageways, the speed limit for vans is 60 mph where cars can drive at 70 mph. 80mph would be signed as such on motorways if there ever was a proposal to increase the speed limit on motorways, but NSL signs on non-motorways would have to be swapped with 60mph/70mph signs if the 80mph were only to apply on motorways in order to … Driving through the mountains and the glens requires good driving skills - especially in winter but will reward you with spectacular scenery, great places to visit and the chance to immerse yourself in history. Why is this? Scotland is a fabulous country for drivers - once you escape the congestion of the cities.