2 month old sleeping 8 hours straight

Most common at that age is 3-5hrs, but 7— 9 is fine and common too. Oversleeping is called hypersomnia or “long sleeping.” This condition affects about 2 percent of people. Just make sure they're getting big milk feeds every 2-4hrs, but preferably 3hrs during the day. She is not acting sick, nurses from me really, really well through the day, seems to be gaining weight (those little folds, oh). He would not wake up to feed anymore, and I asked my ped about it because he was eating every 2-3 hours when awake. Growth and Physical Development: The Mani-Pedi Routine . Age of Baby: 4–6 Months. Updated on April 22, 2008 ... or she does not wake up at all at night. Around 3 months of age, your baby may start to sleep through the night, which for an infant means sleeping for around seven to nine hours straight. This is a sample schedule for a 2 month old.They are staying awake for about an hour and a half, feeding every three and a half hours and doing a nice night time stretch without waking between the dreamfeed at 10:30 and the first feed of the day at 5:00.. At night for about 10-11 hours. I didn't sleep at all the first couple nights he did it. As long as he's acting normal, i wouldn't worry about him sleeping this much. But you may hear a few gurgles, grunts, and even some sweet coos. Take it now because it probably wont last! Some babies sleep for 16 to 18 hours each day, waking up only for short breaks to eat and have a diaper change. During the second month, if your baby's nap goes over 1.5-2 hours, it's not a bad idea to wake him for a feeding. My ped said that was fine, he was "making up" for the long stretch at night by eating frequently during his waking hours. I have almost 6 month old twins. (Straight and in crib) 2. Newborns sleep in 2- to 4-hour intervals, waking up to eat. From 2 weeks to 2 months of age, they sleep an average of 15.5-17 hours total, about 8.5-10 hours at night and six to seven hours during the day spread out over three to four naps. Newborn-2 Month Sleep Tips. Number of Naps: 4 down to 3 Nap Spacing: At 4 months old, single sleep cycle naps (30–45 minutes) are still normal (see our Naps 101 series). During these early months, babies tend to grow about 1 to 1 ½ inches in length and gain about 1 ½ to 2 pounds in weight each month.

When my son was 3 months old, he started "sleeping through the night" at stretches of 8-12 hours at a time. 2 month old sleeping 8 hours straight They pretty much invented the modern sleep sack and continue to innovate. Both have been generally sleeping 10-12 hours straight each night – well, they HAD been sleeping 10-12 hours each night. Sleep regressions commonly occur at 8, 9, or 10 months old, and some babies even experience sleep regressions at 12 months old (when they’re getting ready to drop the 2nd nap). Babies this age tend to stir and look restless during sleep. You might wonder if they’re sleeping too much… But now i'm so happy! Lately she has gotten gone down anywhere between 9-10 (we try to start unwinding at 8) and is up anywhere from 12-2 most nights wanting to play sometimes and is up for 1-3 hours. Sample Routine for a 2 Month Old. People with hypersomnia might require as many as 10 to 12 hours … Your baby should recognize your face and voice, and respond to them. He goes to sleep between 6-7pm and will sleep until at least 5am. My 4-Month Old Baby Sleeps Through the Night (10-12 Hours!) 3. Most newborns should eat every 2-3 hours (or 8 … Daytime naps reduce in number as the baby grows. It was around 4 months old , with both breastfed sons, that they started sleeping pretty much straight through with two feedings at night, so I couldn’t really expect much more than that. About 90% of babies this age sleep through the night, meaning 6 to 8 hours in a row. It's unusual, but not unhealthy; newborns (up to three months) usually sleep about 20 out of 24 hours. I wouldn't be; I'd be wallowing in my sleep all night long! My ped said that was fine, he was "making up" for the long stretch at night by eating frequently during his waking hours. Different milestones, changes to routine or environment, and separation anxiety are some of the causes of sleep regressions or setbacks at this age. My daughter on the other hand has regressed. Yes, there are some babies that sleep long stretches. He usually falls asleep around 10 and wakes up between 4-6 for a feeding. Newborns tend to sleep a lot. My almost 5 month old little girl seems to sleep a lot.