We are influencing the decisions of mare owners and buyers to breed to Triple Crown Stallions and purchase Triple Crown foals who are eligible for Triple Crown Bonus Incentives. Unbeatable Prices. Casual Jackets. Do not use less than 2 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft." Just before "Turf Application Rates" the label says "Use application volumes of up to 10 gallons of final dilution per 1000 square feet when treating dense grass or foliage for uniform coverage." Quality Brands. Headwear Beanies Gloves. Applying any product any other time during the year is a waste of your time, product and unnecessary environmental impact along as well as a reduction in effectiveness. Do not apply triple crown to insecticide to plants that are flowering. | *Only Triple Crown Golf insecticide is labeled for golf course applications. Copyright (c) 2021 FMC Global Specialty Solutions. Triple Crown Insecticide. Apply Triple Crown T&O Insecticide as a broadcast or spot treatment. Use higher volume applications if the thatch layer is excessive or if a relatively long mowing height is being maintained. cargo-truck Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. TRIPLE CROWN PRODUCTS. Use application volumes of up to 10 GAL of final dilution per 1,000 SQ FT when treating dense grass or foliage for uniform coverage. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. Customer Login; Request Login; News & Announcements; Quality and the Environment; Rules Circular; Owner Operator. Or is there a lower limit as with the ornamental instructions? Fleece. Triple Crown is the singular solution that combines fast knockdown, lasting residual and broad spectrum pest control with multiple modes of action. FMC Triple Crown T&O Insecticide is a concentrate that you will dilute with water.  You will use between 10 and 35 oz. For large order quotes, please call us at 866-581-7378. per gallon for 1000 sq.ft. to a 30 gallon tank sprayer. Triple Crown T&O Insecticide – Gal is the singular solution that combines fast knockdown, lasting residual and broad spectrum pest control with multiple modes of action. I know that I have grubs, because I dug up part of my lawn and saw them. + Free Shipping* Triple Crown T&O insecticide from FMC Professional Solutions is a multiple-action insecticide designed to prove fast-acting, long-lasting, broad-spectrum control of more than 30 above- and below-ground turf and ornamental pests. By eliminating the need to tank mix multiple products to control above- and below-ground pests, Triple Crown helps save time, money and … Prior to use in a particular county contact the local extension service for procedures and precautions to use to protect endangered species. This size has been discontinued by the manufacturer. View the product label for Triple Crown T&O from FMC Professional Solutions. The FMC Triple Crown Turf and Ornamental Insecticide has a 3 in 1 unique feature that helps in eliminating turf pests. Use application volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feet when treating dense grass foliage for uniform coverage. Please understand I have know idea where this reviewer is. Triple crown is the singular solution that combines fast knockdown lasting residual and broad spectrum pest control with multiple modes of action. The Triple Crown Story; Bi-Modal; Drayage; Service Areas; Equipment (RoadRailer and Container) Rate Request; Online Services. Buying Options, "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. Triple Crown T&O Insecticide - Gal quantity. COVID-19 Update: With the holidays being an especially high-risk time for COVID transmission, we are taking extra precautions to keep our employees and customers safe. Your turf is your kingdom – and it’s up to you to vigilantly protect it from damaging pests. Not for Sale to: AK, CA CT, NY (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) Triple Crown T & O Insecticide, One Insecticide to Rule Pests. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. The FMC Triple Crown Turf and Ornamental Insecticide has a 3 in 1 unique feature that helps in eliminating turf pests. EPA Registration: 279-3456 The FMC Triple Crown Turf and Ornamental Insecticide has a 3 in 1 unique feature that helps in eliminating turf pests. But in central Florida, there are only 2 application times during the year you can effectively treat for grubs... May and September. Triple Crown Golf insecticides have been proven to deliver fast-acting knockdown and kill of both above- and below-ground pests. For low volume applications (< 2 gallons/1000 square feet), irrigate the treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water Testimonials ». It's an amazing product that contains a combination of bifenthrin, zeta-cypermethrin and imidacloprid which makes it more powerful and release multiple modes of action. NY residents, see our New York Pest Control page. For low volume applications (less than 2 gallons/1000 square feet), irrigate the treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water immediately following application to ensure efficacy against sub-surface pests (e.g. It provides maximum control on 30 pests that can permanently harm and damage turf and ornamental species. This is because it takes several weeks in order to eliminate an infestation as well as provide complete control. The higher application rates with - in the rate range should be used when maximum residual control is desired or heavy pest populations exist. Like many superintendents, Ramsey prefers to pair all of his herbicide and insecticide applications with a quality soil surfactant. The Triple Crown 100 Stallion Incentive is a program that PAYS owners (50%), stallion owners (30%) and breeders (20%). (minimum 2 gals per 1000 sq ft). Sign into your account to receive your members only Savings. Polo Shirts Tees Masks Woven Shirts Pullovers Sweats. Jackson Reiswig, of Coral Creek Club in Placida, Florida, talks about his insect control program with Triple Crown Insecticide. Triple Crown Golf insecticides have been proven to deliver fast-acting knockdown and kill of both above- and below-ground pests. It is exclusively developed for use in ornamental horticulture and highly effective on sucking pests; acting on eggs, larvae and adults. In Stock. ", See More What is the dilution rate of Triple Crown for chinch bugs? mole crickets). Quality Brands. I used 0.8 oz. This product is very effective for turfgrass pest management, just realize that you will notice further damage to the lawn after application. As part of our commitment to Customer-Driven Innovation, FMC developed Triple Crown® Golf insecticides featuring a triple-action formulation for fast-acting, long-lasting, broad spectrum control of above- and below-ground pests. Applicators must understand these types of dual products will initially give limited control while another product in the same mix works in order to obtain long term control. Use it to kill and control billbugs and centipedes, crickets and … It's an amazing product that contains a combination of bifenthrin, zeta-cypermethrin and imidacloprid which makes it … With an advanced suspo-emulsion formulation that combines three active ingredients and two modes of action, Triple Crown delivers results on both above- and below-ground pests and eliminates the need to tank mix multiple insecticides. Its systematic, contact and translaminar activity makes it a convenient tool against pests that feed off from within and for those foliar feeding insects. I was spurred to write a review while reading a review on this site about this product. TRIPLE CROWN imidacloprid 4 zeta-cypermethrin 3 bifenthrin 3 TUNDRA SUPREME chlorpyrifos 1 bifenthrin 3 VOLIAM XPRESS lambda-cyhalothrin 3 chlorantraniliprole 28 Products denoted with an * are insecticide seed treatments. Local pickup only. Crown 225sl systemic insecticide crown is designed for quicker and more effective control of sucking insects and fungus gnats. After 24 hours, I applied 0.5 inch of water to the lawn. 8 Q&A. Your turf is your kingdom – protect it from pests with Triple Crown Golf insecticide. Irrigation of the grass area before treatment will optimize the penetration of the insecticide to the area where the chinch bugs are located. This can take 2-3 hours. So far; after 1 week, I have not seen any positive results. Also works on contact with the pests 100 knockdown within 50 minutes on many target pests provides effective control. Triple Crown T&O Insecticide will be more effective and faster actcing due to it’s 3 active ingredients, compared to Arena’s single active ingredient. Â, Triple Crown T&O Insecticide Triple Crown Golf insecticides have been proven to deliver fast-acting knockdown and kill of both above- and below-ground pests. Triple Crown T&O insecticide targets more than 30 different pest insects, as well as mites and ticks. Powerful chemistry in an advanced suspo--emultion formulation Controls over 30 pests, including ants, fire ants, masked chafer grubs (Northern and Southern), European chafer grubs, chinch bugs, annual bluegrass weevils, ticks, mites, billbugs and more It took 5 tanks to do approximately 3 acres. Rugged Jackets. Discretion of the applicator triple crown to insecticide may be applied at up to 080 fl oz per 1000 square feet 35 fl oza to control each of the pests listed in this table. I hope this was helpful. These seed treatments may also include fungicides. per 1000 square feet) may be required to control populations that contain both nymphs and adults during the middle of the summer. © 2004-2021 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), Chapin 4 Gallon Tree/Turf Pro Commercial Backpack Sprayer (61900), Global Vision Eyewear Hercules Safety Glasses, Triple Crown T&O Insecticide Product Sheet, Triple Crown Best Management Practices Grubs, Triple Crown Best Management Practices Mole Crickets, See More Triple Crown T&O insecticide combines the trusted performance of bifenthrin and imidacloprid with the speed of zeta-cypermethrin for one-of-a-kind results. Triple Crown is an insecticide produced by FMC Professional Solutions that can be used to control over 30 pests, including ants, grubs, weevils, and mole crickets. This product is effective at controlling chinch bugs, Grubs and some ant species. Note:Triple Crown Golf Insecticide is a Restricted Use Product (RUP). Condition is New. etc. .60 oz should be a little more than 1 tablespoon. Apply this product directly to the lawn or garden area. Per the Triple Crown product label the exact instructions for turf application are: Chinch Bugs infest the base of grass plants and are often found in the thatch layer. Is FMC Triple Crown T&O Insecticide concentrated? Chinch Bugs can be one of the most difficult pests to control in grasses and the higher application rates (Up to 0.8 fluid oz. pest control is meant as a maintenance process regardless of if it is interior or exterior based. Triple Crown 100. Not for use on plants being grown for sale, or other commercial use or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For ornamental, the label says "cover the treatment area. Last Name * It seems like if I diluted with 10 gallons that it would take forever to spray it.

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