I have met some incredibly wonderful and sweet fraternity guys, but there are always bad eggs who ruin everyone else's experience. School was a priority in my chapter, so we'd have study groups (and be rewarded for attending), and you could always find a sister to study with in the library. To preface, my freshman year I went to a fraternity party and was raped. Recently I decided to join a sorority on my campus through COB. Oh god I know this feeling so well. Love the ski lodge comment lmao Iâm using that one, [â][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). You'll end up in the sorority that best fits you, as opposed to possibly ending up in a sorority desperate to add to their number. I hope that if you do rush that it is an awesome experience for you. You meet a lot of people. Also, the school requires fraternities to keep their average GPA at a certain level to avoid probation, and that level is higher at Tulane than state schools. No misogyny, misandry, transphobia, ageism, racism, general assholery, invalidation, or otherwise hateful or disrespectful commentary. ... Well I don't have a stereotype technically, but I can't tell you how stereotypical they can be. Well, we can be fined for multiple reasons: 1.) It was stressful and I ended up have health consequences because of it. /r/mommit Even meeting other people from Greek organizations. Precisely my point about university. I really donât remember much about their parties, but people generally liked them and respected the house. I was a music major at the time and I was enamoured with this group that I had to join. I graduated in 2015 so things could have changed, but when I was there the sororities considered to be âtop-tierâ were: Pi Phi- Hot (usually dark-haired for some reason) girls that are a blast to hang with, but a bit high maintenance. 1. Just a thought. We took care of each other through loss and celebrated each other's successes. Honestly, I almost never heard anything like that while I was actively "fighting." You are bonding to the sorority...to make commitments of being a certain type of human being. Which is a pro unless you lose focus and make being a fun sorority girl a higher priority than being a hardworking student. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have changed my sorority, but the year I chose to go through recruitment. [–]m_y -1 points0 points1 point 5 years ago (2 children). [–]♂captain_craptain 20 points21 points22 points 5 years ago (1 child). [–]theartofthespy 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (3 children). Why did you choose to join a sorority after being raped? Iâm definitely gonna come back to this is several months time, and itâll be just as helpful. They always had trouble recruiting. iâll probably return to this very often. I am actually a Northern girl (who has been living in the South for quite some time), so I was used to some things, but less in the ways of the "Ole South". I'd be very sad if I couldn't have the occasional sweatpants day. Sure, although as a disclaimer it might be a little harder to be objective because I was a member of one. I like that there is an understanding about my crazy workload, but one of the reasons I want to be a part of greek life is to meet people other than engineering students for a change. I felt effective until my own organization undermined the very message I was sending. Although I think we've spoken through PM before :), [–]♀meileirlaisve 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). [–]♀cookenuptrouble[S] 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (3 children), I'm not your stereotypical sorority girl either, so I'm glad to hear you still had a positive experience. How do you form good habits and stick to them? I would never have finished college without the support of my chapter. As for other interests, yeah I had a lot of things I was interested in that other people weren't, but that's not to say they didn't, as well! It really depends on the sorority and the chapter. [–]♀pro_forma_life 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago (1 child). For accounting interns.... no one cares. Talk via PM or start a new thread. I went to a school with a large (but not gigantic) system. If you have any other questions about the rush process, pledging, or fraternity life in general, feel free to PM me or whatever. I look back on my college years and know that they kicked ass because of my time as a part of my sorority. I even look back fondly on the fuckery of being a pledge. One started crying and was like "this was NOT pref!" I would not join a sorority again, imo. Yes, there are mandatory events throughout the year (recruitment, initiation, philanthropy event, retreats) and a weekly 1-2 hour long chapter meeting, but you can generally be as involved as you want after that. They are organizations that are meant to promote social, intellectual, and moral growth. A few frats had some light hazing incidents (one had a scavenger hunt, some drinking), but I never heard of any sororities doing any hazing, and my chapter was absolutely zero tolerance on this. If you interview for a job and the hiring supervisor also went to your school then it's gonna help. I've heard formal recruitment at my school is grueling since we have 17 sororities that participate and almost 1,000 PNMs in the beginning. From Facebook, I know that a lot of them have kept in touch and still get together/plan weekends/go to Homecoming. To this day when I see guys from my PC, the things we reminisce about most is the shit we all went through. I went in thinking I was going to meet some good friends and finally have people to hang out with, and party with of course. Please use "spoiler" formatting where appropriate. Good luck! Greek life was pretty popular, but we only had 4-5 sororities, each with 60 members. People to have fun with are nice, but people to inspire and help me when I'm down are invaluable. [–]♀brittanykay 22 points23 points24 points 5 years ago (1 child). I really loved having a sense of community on campus. We had to do 10 hours throughout the semester, and you would get charged $5 for every hour you missed. Being apart of a Greek organization like a sorority is so much more than getting drunk and partying, it's a bond that you have with all the other sororities and fraternities. Not every girl in a sorority is wealthy. [–]Decker87 7 points8 points9 points 5 years ago (0 children). Is this some way of saying you should just never wear white for some reason? I wasn't one of them. I'm not going to tell you I was besties with all of my sisters and I'm not going to tell you I loved every second of it. It's not stressful the way you think. Iâm a dude so my knowledge of how sororities work is limited to what I saw from the outside and what my homegirls have told me, but Iâm happy to share that or anything else about the Tulane experience. On top of dues, you buy merch and letters and other things as well as paying fines for missing events and stuff like that. [–]hillbillybuddha 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). Sigma Chi- My least favorite house on campus, guys or girls. The cost to live in the house was more expensive than the most expensive fancy apartment/dorms on campus, so that was a deterrent (again I could have skirted that by just becoming inactive.) /r/relationships That is where I believe the system is now. Worst: Lots of backstabbing and superficial relationships. I will say that a lot of pledging involves "playing" the fraternity pledges. It depends on the sorority. I was on the Panhellenic (all sorority) Board and the Joint Council (all greek life) board and was able to help adjudicate problems within the system. Busy all of the time. [â]ewoolly271 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children), Add ADPi to low tier and this list is up to date. There was always something to do if I felt lonely. Without fail, your sorority will include women of all majors, both in your class and above and below. You can get learn everything an undergrad will through extremely cheap or free resources. [–]♂ Likes robots more than peopleBlackMathNerd 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children). Games, pranks, drinking together...Those are all referred to as playing a fraternity. How has no one stood up to this or spoken out or IDK, flipped their shit? stereotypes by: freshmen Dec 27, 2014 10:39:09 AM i know sororities should never be defined by one stereotype but could someone tell me a general stereotype for each house? [–]Ziggy_A 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). However, a few of my non-greek friends have been expressing a lot of judgement, usually based on negative sorority stereotypes. If you can remember compliance laws, know the formulas, can fill out forms and display the correct format for reporting, you are gold. I couldnât name a good party they throw. Easiest pledge experience of the top-tier. I was in one of the top sororities, and one of the biggest nationally. 2 1 12. [–]Procris 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (2 children). This is the part of sororities that I have never heard about until now. Most people assume all sorority girls do in college is get drunk and party. That was until Halloween actually happened. Please be inclusive with question phrasing. I went to a woman's college. We had a accounting intern that was a microbiology major, but was a smart cookie and won all of us over just by being herself. Just because Tennessee produces a few idiots, like that guy from Polk County who’s running for congress on the “Make America White Again” platform, does not mean we all cling to those old ideologies. My sorority was large (I’m talking 150+ pledge class), so it was easy to find people I shared common ground with. [–]slop_machine 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (1 child). It seems a sorority acts as organized socialization, and in some cases, comes across as rather militant in defining who you are (dress, fines, mandatory participation, affiliation to a group that makes you feel entitled to something due to that affiliation). How do you deal with the sadness of being ghosted by someone who seemed genuinely interested? My college doesn't allow freshman rushing for those reasons you outlined. You will be told from the moment you decide to rush to not listen to the stereotypes or gossip about the sororities here at Clemson.However, where there’s a rhyme there is a reason and for many clueless freshmen girls it can be a good thing to know a little about the sororities on campus before deciding to become a part of one for the next four years. I think most sorority focus on scholarship, sisterhood, philanthropy, and then, of course, social. Also we had to keep our grades above a certain level or else we weren't allowed to participate in things like formals or crush party, even though we still had to pay our dues, and when dealing with depression it was a lot for me to balance and it bugged me. [–]♀GezzySinger 137 points138 points139 points 5 years ago (37 children). I'm from a country that doensn't have the greek system. I don't know how or why, but I just got this urge to rush. Mostly I'm just concerned about the money thing. Should I be concerned about hazing? In my sorority experience, it wasn't a hard rule. [–]♀not_rachel 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (3 children). Ha, I know it seems really weird from an outside perspective, but running any organization takes a lot of work, and there have to be rules to make sure that everyone contributes. Same thing. [–]inkieblot 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (7 children). Wait what? Like ADPi, their sister sorority, theyâre Jewish, they party, and cocaine is definitely on the menu. I'm not the stereotypical sorority girl, and I am an engineer, and my chapter is full of hilarious, chill, down-to-earth girls that I can discuss middle eastern politics or sing Taylor Swift with. So, I guess it's harder to be bureaucratic and fine-happy when you personally know every member of your chapter. Could you tell me where the rule comes from? Itâs nothing you canât handle. The easier ones generally just require a lot of drinking, mild embarrassment, and occasionally running to the LBC to grab food for someone. I've heard a bunch of stuff that frats do. /r/askwomenadvice Honestly, Greek Life is so variable depending on where you go to school, and even what chapter you join. That was the primary reason I joined- it wasn't the typical blonde-haired cookie cutter group, who didn't live up to sorority stereotypes. Well, this is very true, but, if you are working full time in order to afford college, that whole online thing is pretty awesome AND networks you to people because you are forced to interact with them through forums and email, and in some cases, you meet up for beers in order to have something that resembles a study group. I was thinking mostly of medicine and law. TERRIFIC connections. Each represents positive unity in brotherhood and sisterhood at your college and/or university. From my point of view, there's nothing to lose from going through formal recruitment (except maybe a week or so of being busy). Their pledgeship is known to be a joke and they donât even pretend it isnât. Seriously? It was really tough for her because her 21st birthday was during this period and she wasn't allowed to celebrate it. Overall, I don't regret my decision to be in a chapter one bit. Here are some of the most notorious sororities in the United States, and the missteps that have chipped away at their names. For example my sorority was making sure that if you wore your house letters that you looked presentable in them and not like you just rolled out of bed. I joined a large, well-known sorority my sophomore year of college. Expense: Dues are crazy! Did it impact your schoolwork at all? These things happen all the time. It was actually very interesting, despite the fact I never go to fancy dinners. They forced them so sit on a washing machine naked and anything that jiggled they circled with magic marker. [–]inkieblot 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). Both were raped. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions, and not serve as a debate subreddit. This reinforces the stereotypes that are harmful to the Greek community. [–]♂JPLR 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (0 children). You miss an event because you were studying for a test the next day? Predictably, their sister sorority is considered to be Chi O. All the sisters I've talked to have been lovely though, and it seems like a great sisterhood. I would recommend asking people at your school about the pros and cons, because they're bound to be different than what everyone here has to say. You are forced to do a lot of things together so you automatically make acquaintances but as far as I can tell, it is fairly rare to make good, lasting friends (especially if you don't rush as a freshman). Having to interact with the fraternities. [–]♀croakiee 60 points61 points62 points 5 years ago (32 children). Getting to meet tons of people and going to fun events. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Like I can see the positives- the belonging, the community, the networking, the values. I am a convert to the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints and became a member about a year and 2 months ago (March 17th, 2018). But to me all that and more can be achieved without having to join a fraternity or a sorority, and without the "paperwork" and fines. They were just a bad organization that had trouble with both recruiting and throwing decent events. My maid of honor was one of my sorority sisters, as well as another bridesmaid. That was the primary reason I joined- it wasn't the typical blonde-haired cookie cutter group, who didn't live up to sorority stereotypes. [–]♂AskADude 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). If your GPA was suffering, you'd meet with the scholarship chair and together make a plan on how to improve your studies. Right now there are about 5 of them outside promoting their frat. That was invaluable, I can't quite explain how much it will always mean to me. I never got fined, however, because if you had a legitimate excuse, you were given plenty of time to submit it to the executive board for approval. [–]bonscouter 7 points8 points9 points 5 years ago (1 child). /r/actuallesbians. I know at my chapter, you can control how much time you put back in. /r/thinlydisguisedrants Did you feel compelled to attend as many events as possible? Wow, this got a lot more of a response than I was anticipating. “Sorority … I never understood this and I really do not mean offense to OP with this- but it just sounds cultish, or very weird. The exec boards really aren't that scary... almost every organization/club on campus has a president, or an events chair, etc. I loved everything about my sorority. I often stirred up controversy by going my own way on several issues. In mine, the only fines were if you didn't get all of your community service hours in. Yeah that is the case. We didn't have Greek life at my school (Canada), but I wouldn't choose my degree over my social interactions, events, extra-cur clubs/teams, networking, etc., because those things have taught me infinitely more and have been infinitely more valuable. Some houses will be more open-minded about late arrivals than others, especially if their current class is smaller than they want it to be (more pledges equals more dues-paying members, and more dues means more beer money). Theyâre just slightly weird, hilarious dudes that like to hang with each other. Do not generalize based on gender, race, or ethnicity. I pledged for a frat my first semester of uni. No personal advice. I admit I'll never truly understand the appeal, because I was lucky enough to get all the good bits of sororities mentioned in this thread from my flatmates, coursemates, professors, and various other people I met through music societies or parties or gigs, without any of the bad bits. [–][deleted] 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children). This is not a debate sub. Having to meet at all ever or learn any information (even the greek alphabet) is considered hazing. Rush is a shitstorm of first impressions and chanting — it's easy to get caught up in that. [–][deleted] 27 points28 points29 points 5 years ago (12 children). [–]waldo_here 40 points41 points42 points 5 years ago (2 children). Most sororities have you pay a little over $1000 in dues per semester as a freshman because they give you an insane amount of presents (mostly clothing and various items with your sorority's letters on them so you can wear them around campus, but also a lot of handmade crafts from older sisters). I had a rough semester in a lot of ways so for my sisters to turn their backs on me and kick me out was just the kicker. [–]TrulyMagnificient 22 points23 points24 points 5 years ago (11 children). Another thing - officially leaving the sorority caused all the girls who recognized me as a former member to give me death glares or completely ignore me on campus which I didn't expect (but should have). The Most Out-of-Control Fraternities in America America’s worst frats: from over-the-top racism and hazing deaths to sexual assaults and caches of automatic weapons A lot of the other pledges already knew each other and the sisters from sports teams, so after recruitment ended and they weren't trying to continuously impress/include me, I did feel left out because they were all already really good friends. This is not your personal soapbox. Ex. [–]msprinks 208 points209 points210 points 5 years ago (0 children). BLACK GREEK STEREOTYPES Ever wanted the 411 on Black Greeks? I remember leaving a strip club early in the morning several times with groups of Phi Mus. My two cents are that I have been on both sides of the sorority situation and I can definitively say that my experience sucked balls. Chi O got put on social probation while I was there because Theta reported them for a recruiting violation. You're at university; it's a privilege. IMO, that distances sisters from different chapters. My frat had a thing where we couldn't wear athletic shorts to class. Yeah, there were some sisters who I didn't particularly get along with, but that's life. As long as you send an excuse, you're good. [–]e-em-jay 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (3 children). All of the skills i learned directly translated to the working world. Iâd be wary of any new chapter unless youâre really confident you love the girls, and in that case fuck it. [–]♀allipie77 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children), I have 2 sisters who are engineering majors, one is also the president of the Engineering Club on campus. However, a few of my non-greek friends have been expressing a lot of judgement, usually based on negative sorority stereotypes. /r/twoxchromosomes I had a friend who joined a sorority and her fees were well over $5000. In actuality, there are MANY types of girls in my organization: Wild party girls, quiet sweet girls, pageant girls, outdoorsy girls, it doesn't matter. The girls were considered more classically pretty than hot, and were the absolute sweetest. [–][deleted] 141 points142 points143 points 5 years ago (36 children). At each chapter meeting (every Sunday night) we would recognize a member who had achieved a good grade or done well in a class. Double points if you were in the same frat/sorority. They then undergo an underground membership process which is usually ended with a probate or new member presentation. Very silly question, but what's the deal with upper tier/lower tier sororities? I was not invited to the party, so I was safe from this. I'm clearly just not cut out for sorority life! [–]dorothy_zbornak_esq 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago* (11 children). For my fraternity in particular, the golden rule was that our pledgeship should be hard, but you never make a pledge to do something you never had to do. I wouldn't join a social frat mainly for those monetary reasons. The largest Greek letter sorority for black women, Delta Sigma Theta was founded in 1913 at Howard University—only two months later, the founding sisters participated in … New Post New Poll Page 1 of 841 . [–]GreatestKingEver 99 points100 points101 points 5 years ago (11 children), having that support system throughout some of the most stressful years of your life is invaluable. For my sorority, attendance in some events (recruitment, initiation, etc) was dictated in bylaws. Thank you. I love my big and my twin and am so grateful to know them, but that's about the only part of being in a sorority that I enjoyed. As someone who doesn't come off as a stereotypical "sorority girl", here are my experiences: Best: New friends, leadership opportunities, a support system, lots of life lessons. We also learned correct dining etiquette. When I tell someone that I’m Greek, here a few of the stereotypes I get told. [–]Self-Aware 15 points16 points17 points 5 years ago (5 children). I initially joined because I went to a small, Southern Liberal Arts school where over half of the students were involved in Greek life. Being in/out of the sorority is not the be all, end all. Best: Met some pretty cool people that have been my friends years later that I wouldn't have been as close with otherwise. Another friend was in a different sorority and she had similar experiences with being blindfolded and brought to random places. Don't just join some Sorority willy-nilly but really consider your choices. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. If you were bored, you could drop by the house and find someone to hang out with. [â]brotmuffin 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (6 children). By joining a sorority, it is so much more than just socials and going out on the weekend; its about being involved in something bigger than yourself and creating friendships that’ll last for a lifetime. I agree! No pot-stirring. Fairly typical Tulane rich girls that can party. And I'm so deeply sorry you and these two young women were raped. [–]FireInsideHer 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (3 children), [–]♀Vivicurl 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (2 children), That is what I said when I saw this, lol! [–]lovethestars 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children). I made many a lifelong friendship and am in a lifelong commitment with two wonderful organizations! Just saying, "I need to study Sunday for my test, so I shouldn't have to go!" It wasn't all fun and games- I really enjoyed getting involved with our philanthropic organizations and I will continue to make donations even after I graduate, so it has been a great learning opportunity for me. Also, consider this: > If you interview for a job and the hiring supervisor also went to your school then it's gonna help. Worst: The stereotypes, the house-bashing, the feeling that I sometimes didn't fit in because I wasn't friends with EVERY single woman in the chapter, and most of formal recruitment (informal recruitment is a much better way to get to know PNMs). However, I think it's unfair to say that your President caused these girls to be harmed. Fairly typical Tulane rich girls that can party. [–][deleted] 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children), Also I'd never heard the term "greek" used to mean sorority/fraternity before today. But a sorority has an image, and they have a hugely vested interest in keeping up that image. I blew up. It's just true. [–]sapereaud33 15 points16 points17 points 5 years ago (0 children). Yes, even for non-residential club style sororities. I heard they were there and flipped my shit. Wait this might get buried, but are you "allowed" to just leave an organization or are you penalized or something? It’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the school’s name. It's a great experience that you carry with you for the rest of your life. First joined a sorority after being raped wasting time thinking about whether it would actually be good... Fax last post: 5 hours ago benefit for me when I transferred to a school. Hair, makeup, and send out mass emails with job openings or other great opportunities where you at! Charged $ 5 for every hour you missed something, it was amazing to be a of... News that there are networking opportunities and experiences I never felt anything other than welcomed and appreciated the same! 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