They had, doubtless, their warm personal friends in both places. Simon Peter ; John 1:43 The First Disciples: III. - A. C. But I trust I shall shortly see thee … - Notes at 2 John 1:12. 3John 1:15. , pax tibi, the Jewish greeting, (Judges 6:23; Judges 19:20), , those at Ephesus; , those with Gaius. 14 But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Speak face to face; otoma prov stoma, viz. 3 John 1:14. General Search for 'John 1:14' within '' on This is a personal letter. Under these circumstances, no duty is more obvious than that of contributing to the support of those who go to such places as Christian missionaries. Nothing is more obvious, therefore, than that those who have the gospel, and who have learned to prize and value it in some measure is it should be, should contribute to the support of those who go to convey its blessings to others, until those to whom they go shall so learn to prize it as to be able and willing to maintain it. Peace — peace inward of conscience, peace fraternal of friendship, peace supernal of glory [Lyra]. We seldom hear this epistle quoted but in the reproof of lordly tyrants, or prating troublesome fellows in the Church. By this means He took our sins away from us, Himself becoming our sin-offering (2 Corinthians 5:21). It is usually supposed that the contemplated visit here is the same as that mentioned in 2John. Most Greek texts divide a 15th verse, as the TEV has done.] In many cases, the pagan to whom the missionary goes are miserably poor, and it is only this religion, which as yet they are not disposed to receive, that can elevate them to habits of industry, and furnish them with the means of supporting religious teachers from abroad. He testifies the satisfaction that he felt in the report which he had heard. John expects to visit Gaius soon. He that doeth good, is of God, proves that he is born of him, and partakes of his Spirit: but he that doeth evil, hath not seen God; whatever pretensions of religion he may make, he is destitute of all experimental knowledge of divine things. O, that Divine grace would excite more to quit the indulgence of their homes, or their countries, if there be no bond of duty to detain them there, that they may go and preach to the Gentiles! They go as strangers. σι φυλάττειν πρόβατα, αὐτὸς κατεσθίων. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. It is not common that in their spiritual interests they are so much more prosperous than they are in other respects, that we can make that the standard of our wishes in regard to them, but it sometimes does occur, as in the case of Gaius. Our friends salute thee. Click the Bible to visit the new being developed!! Peace be unto thee. Comp. [Chapter and verse divisions date from the sixteenth century. (7) we may see, from this Epistle, the evil of having one troublesome man in the church, 3 John 1:10. No one can properly estimate the evil which one such man can do, nor the calamity which comes upon a church when such a man places himself at its head. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. And O, that it were more universal! - Syriac Philoxenian. Doddridge says, “What a curse would this bring upon many to wish that they might prosper even as their souls prospered!” Of how much property would they at once be deprived; how embarrassed would be their affairs; how pale, and wan, and sickly would they be, if they should be in all respects as they are in their spiritual interests! He became man (John 1:14). John may have made regular tours to the churches of the area. This is why John says. Related Resources. Peace be with you. The friends salute thee ... salute the friends by name ... "By name" as used here is found nowhere else in the New Testament, except in John 10:5; and many have found in this "an echo of the Good Shepherd's calling his own sheep by name, an example for under-shepherds,"[43] and a good closing note for this letter. I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, and proudly to lord it over them, receiveth us not, pays no regard to our apostolic injunctions. (John 1:14) (8) there may be circumstances where it is proper - where it is a duty - to receive those who have been cast out of the church, 3 John 1:8. John 1:23 - He said, 'I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord ,' as Isaiah the prophet said.' (3) it is the duty and the privilege of those who love the cause of religion to go and preach the gospel to those who are destitute, expecting to receive nothing from them, and doing it as a work of pure benevolence, 3 John 1:7. Note; It is a noble character indeed, so to behave as to be entitled to universal applause, and to be approved of God, and of all men of truth and integrity. and by which his mission from God was to … Philosophers are mistaken in supposing that friendship is not prepared (formed) by faith.— κατʼ ὄνομα, by name) No less than if their names were written.(1). Here, as in the close of so many epistles, the word aspazomai is translated by two different English words in successive verses or even in the same verse. John 1:14; John 1:17; John 6:50-51; John 11:25-26.) I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee; but I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face, when I can more fully communicate all my mind. —This was the answer to the doubt of Thomas. Copyright Statement. They should regard it as a common cause in which one has as much concern as another, and where each should feel it a privilege to cooperate with his brethren. 1. John 1:31 - I did not recognize Him, but so that He might be manifested to Israel, I came baptizing in water.' 1. The Third Epistle of St. John the apostle is ended. 2. With this huge step of becoming flesh, we see that Jesus willingly sets aside His divine rights. This is the Hebrew style of greeting (, This is a personal letter. Peace be to thee; prosperity of every kind attend thee in body and soul. The inscription and salutation. 15. The same principle is acted on now in Christian missions, and with the same propriety; and as we in Christian lands owe the blessings which we enjoy to the fact that in former times there were those who were willing thus to go forth, so it will be true that the richest blessings which are to descend upon India, and Africa, and the islands of the sea, will be traced in future times to the fact that there are in our age those who are willing to follow the example of the apostles in going forth to do good to a dying world. Greet the friends by name - That is, each one individually. In this cause, and with this spirit, the apostles spent their lives. The decisions of a church, under some proud and ambitious partisan leader, are often eminently unjust and harsh. And now] When the ministry is completed. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do. 3. On the tenderness of the greetings here, see under 3 John 1:1:13, above. Peace be to thee. This denotes a personal recognition of the faithful messengers who are coming to see the congregation. Ver. Lamentations 1:14 - 'The yoke of my transgressions is bound; By His hand they are knit together. * The Reader is referred to the different Authors mentioned often already. Nothing is more contrary to the spirit of a Christian minister, than overbearing arrogance and pride. Instead of φιλοι and φιλους, friends, the Codex Alexandrinus and several others read αδελφοι and αδελφους, brethren. 3. 2. aspazomai. To build a booth, tent, or temporary hut, for present shelter or convenience; and does not properly signify a lasting habitation or dwelling place; and is therefore fitly applied to the human nature of Christ, which, like the tabernacle of old, was to be here only for a temporary residence for the eternal Divinity. But I trust] He could promise nothing peremptorily, but submits to God. 3 John 1:14. *. (2.) [Chapter and verse divisions date from the sixteenth century. It has always been the prevailing spirit when religion has flourished in the church. Our own religious privileges now we owe to the fact that in former times there were those who were willing to “go forth taking nothing of the Gentiles,” devoting themselves, without hope of reward or fame, to the business of making known the name of the Saviour in what were then the dark places of the earth. The missionary spirit existed early in the Christian church, and indeed may be regarded as the “prevailing” spirit in those times. For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came, and testified of the truth that is in thee, of thy faith and love unfeigned; even as thou walkest in the truth, adorning with all manner of holy conversation thy Christian profession. Some of the best men on earth have been thus disowned by the church; and it is no certain evidence against a man when he is denounced as a heretic, or disowned as a member, by those who bear the Christian name. on (9) finally, let us learn from the examples commended in this brief Epistle, to do good. As John 1:14 is parallel to John 1:1-5, so this verse is parallel to John 1:6-8, but with an advance of thought. More resources, better tools and easier navigation Test drive it and tell us about your experience. What community is more prospered, or is more rich in all that promotes the temporal welfare of man, than that where the gospel has the most decided influence? St. John knew all “by name,” and would have named them had space permitted. The tremendous importance of this letter is seen in the fact that it deals with the prime sin of the ages, the seeking and the grasping on the part of evil men for the control levers of God's church on earth. Friends. Greet the friends by name. John 1:14-18. Greet the friends by name - remember me to all those with whom I am acquainted, as if I had specified them by name. Such Christians as abound in faith and charity towards their pious acquaintance and strangers, and give substantial proofs of it in their lives, are exceeding lovely and greatly beloved, rejoiced in, caressed, and honourably spoken of as worthy of imitation, by all true friends to the gospel of Christ, and especially by his ministering servants. on Salute the friends by name — That is, in the same manner as if I had named them one by one. They are strangers to the true knowledge of God: but all who, from principles of faith and love, seek and do the things that please him, are his children, and ought, for his sake, to assist ministering servants in their Lord's work, that they may bear a part with them in propagating evangelical truth and the good of precious souls. For other particulars concerning John, the reader is requested to refer to the preface to his gospel. (Menochius). (14)Christ is proved to be the Son of God by the coming down of the Holy Spirit, by the Father's voice, and by John's testimony. In this cause, thousands have labored in former times, and to the fact that they were “willing” to do it is to be traced all the happy influence of religion in the world. 4. Greek. Compare Romans 16:3-23. To this meaning of the word, which is a common one in the best Greek writers, the evangelist might allude, to point out Christ's associating his disciples with himself; living, conversing, eating, and drinking with them: so that, while they had the fullest proof of his Divinity by the miracles which he wrought, they had the clearest evidence of his humanity, by his tabernacling among, eating, drinking, and conversing with them. Note; They who devote themselves to the ministry, foregoing all worldly pursuits for the love of Christ and immortal souls, deserve every kindness at our hands that we can shew them. Friends. John 3:16-19. The Third catholic Epistle of John the evangelist and divine. He mentions Demetrius as an excellent man, and worthy of imitation. And the Speech was made flesh. A title seldom found in the New Testament, since it is absorbed by the greater one of brotherhood. (John 1:14 ESV) Jesus, the Word, 100% God, steps out of heaven, takes on the flesh of humankind, and enters our world. The third of John to Caius concerning Demetrius, of whom he witnesses the most excellent things. The Vulgate Latin version reads, "the friends": the members in general; and the Alexandrian copy reads, "the brethren"; and the Syriac version, our brethren: and then the epistle is closed thus. In such cases we may indeed rejoice with a friend, and feel that all will be well with him. Our friends salute thee - Desire to be affectionately remembered to thee. Sorry but your search resulted in no verses being found. John expects to visit Gaius soon. Peace be to thee - Mayest thou possess every requisite good, both of a spiritual and temporal kind. But how should proud, insolent imposers upon churches, and malicious revilers of the uncorrupted gospel and its faithful preachers, be detested, exposed, and censured, as open enemies to it and them, and as injurious and domineering lords over God's heritage, who will neither do good themselves, nor suffer others to do it that would! 14. May all religious affection be ever preserved among true believers, and mutual sincere wishes of every kind of happiness, both temporal and spiritual, be cultivated between them, with cordial friendship one towards another! One church, in proportion to its ability, has as much interest in the spread of Christianity as another, and should feel that it has much responsibility in doing it. Yet how often has the spirit which actuated Diotrephes prevailed in the church! Peace - inward of conscience; fraternal of friendship; supernal of glory (Lyra). Home > Study Desk. I shall, &c. = to see (App-133.) but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face. If we are satisfied that a man is a Christian, we should receive him as such, however he may be regarded by others; nor should we hesitate to help him forward in his Christian course, or in any way to assist him to do good. Seldom in the New Testament, as it is absorbed in the higher title, 'brother, brethren.' John 1:1-14 The Word in Eternity, in the World, and in the Flesh; John 1:8, 35 The Light and the Lamps; John 1:14, Rev 8:15, 21:3 Three Tabernacles; John 1:16 The Fulness of Christ; John 1:17 Grace and Truth; John 1:29 The World’s Sin-bearer; John 1:37-39 The First Disciples: I. John and Andrew; John 1:40-42 The First Disciples: II. They are doubly wicked, who neither will do good themselves, nor suffer those to do it, who are willing. In every Christian land, and among the people of every Christian denomination, missionaries of the gospel should find friends who will be willing to cooperate with them in advancing the common cause, and who, though they may bear a different name, and may speak a different language, should cheerfully lend their aid in spreading the common Christianity. In the human nature He assumed He suffered death (Philippians 2:8). General Search for 'John 1:14' within 'New American Standard Version' on Let us follow the example of Gaius - the hospitable Christian; the large-hearted philanthropist; the friend of the stranger; the helper of those who were engaged in the cause of the Lord - a man who opened his heart and his house to welcome them when driven out and disowned by others. But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. 5. but I hope shortly to see thee, and we shall speak face to face. and Vatican. Note; (1.) Now, as then, from the nature of the case, missionaries to the pagan must go “taking nothing” of those among whom they labor, and expecting that, for a long time at least, they will do nothing for their support. Greet the friends by name.—. greet the friends by name; meaning those that were where Gaius lived, to whom the apostle sends his salutation, and desires it might be delivered to each of them, as if they had been mentioned by name. Salute the friends by name. I hope. on on StudyLıght .org . The Lord has given me into the hands Of those against whom I am not able to stand. This and the epistle of James are the only epistles which are concluded without the word "Amen". And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The Third Epistle of John the apostle is ended. This is why John says friends rather than brothers. The end of the Third catholic Epistle of St John. Peace be to thee. Colossians 4:10, Colossians 4:12, Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:19, 2 Timothy 4:21. John 1:14 - And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.' Literary plural really singular like ελπιζω — elpizō to face (στομα προς στομα — stoma pros stoma). Greet the friends with thee by name, presenting to each my most affectionate remembrances. ... 1-14) 14:1 MhV tarassevsqw The same verb is used to describe Jesus’ own state in 11:33, 12:27, and 13:21. In a friendly letter, mention of "friends" appropriately occurs. thee, &c. shortly. The spirit of Diotrephes still rides high and mighty in the ecclesiastical counsels of the earth, denying and contradicting the holy teachings of Christ and his apostles; but the loving apostle unmasked it for what it is in the glowing lines of this precious fragment of the word of the Lord. He dissuades Gaius from copying so bad an example. He commends his kind and charitable conduct. on 5. 14. It is the teaching of the text here that, "The salutation was to be given to each individual separately."[44]. They go to those who do not believe the truth of the gospel; who are attached to their own superstitions; who contribute largely to the support of their own temples, and altars, and priesthood; who are, as yet, incapable of appreciating the value of a purer religion; who have no desire for it, and who are disposed to reject it. The human nature in Him dying, by that death He expiated the sins of human persons (Isaiah 53:5-6). By name - no less than if their names were written (Bengel). The true prosperity, and that which is most desirable, is the health of the soul. Demetrius hath good report of all men; all who know him bear testimony of his amiable and pious conversation; and of the truth itself, every one who would speak the truth, must acknowledge his excellence; and we, who are ministers of truth, declare our full approbation of him: and ye know that our record is true, and may be assuredly depended upon. To write such things as these to Christian friends, as occasions offer, is very useful: but how much more delightful and advantageous is it to converse freely together about them! (4) it is our duty to contribute to the support of those who thus go among the pagan, and to help them in every way in which we can promote the object which they have in view. Between different churches there should be that measure of confidence and love that they will deem it a privilege to help each other in the common cause, and that one shall be ready to further the benevolent designs undertaken by another. In fact, only an eyewitness would be able to give such clear particulars as "about the tenth hour" ( John 1:39 ), "six water pots of stone" ( John 2:6 ) and "153 great fishes" ( John 21:11 ). The former (friends) is a very singular appellation, and nowhere else found in Scripture; the latter is of frequent occurrence. Inferences.—How desirable, but, alas! This was the true “whither” which they knew not. θινὸς, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, John Lightfoot's Commentary on the Gospels, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Frédéric Louis Godet - Commentary on Selected Books, Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Alexander MacLaren's Expositions of Holy Scripture, Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament, Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament, Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, J. C. Ryle's Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Commentary by J.C.Philpot on select texts of the Bible, Ernst Hengstenberg on John, Revelation, Ecclesiastes, Ezekiel & Psalms. Bare witness (μαρτυρεῖ ) Present tense. This is a proof to me that this epistle was not sent to Corinth, where it is not likely John ever was; and where it is not likely he had any particular acquaintances, unless we could suppose he had seen some of them when he was an exile in Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea. 1 Peter 5:13, 1 Peter 5:14. This verse gives the Baptist's witness to the personal Word become flesh. Face to face] As iron whets iron, so doth the face of a man his friend. Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; such hospitality and generosity are the general characteristics of thy faithful heart, and have been justly praised by those which have borne witness of thy charity before the church, and gratefully acknowledged the kindnesses which they received: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, and assist those itinerant preachers of the gospel who devote their time and labour to this blessed work of spreading the glad tidings through the earth, thou shalt do well, and act a noble part in thus advancing the blessed cause of our divine Redeemer; because that for his name's sake they went forth, giving up all the world, that they might devote themselves wholly to the ministry, and, with a spirit uninfluenced by any mercenary views, taking nothing of the Gentiles, but preaching the gospel of God freely. The friends salute thee ... salute the friends by name ... —Says Bengel, “just as if their names were written.” But as John knew the Church only by occasional visitations, and is writing only a private letter, he sends greeting not to the Church generally, but only to the special. The elder, John, unto the well-beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth, as a faithful member of Jesus Christ. That, under a faithful ministry, and with the Divine blessing, will not be long; always for the gospel, when it secures a hold in a community, makes men feel that it confers infinitely more blessings than it takes away, and that, even in a pecuniary point of view, it contributes more by far than it takes. - Arabic. Greet = Salute. John 14:13,14. Concerning the various acceptations of the verb. Click the Bible to visit the new being developed!! Please modify your queries and try again. Our friends salute thee, joining in all Christian wishes. Of his fulness - In John 1:14 the evangelist has said that Christ was "full of grace and truth." They are as likely to be charged with being actuated by mercenary motives, if they ask for support, as missionaries among the pagan are. 2 John 1:3 - Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. friends — a title seldom used in the New Testament, as it is absorbed in the higher titles of “brother, brethren.” Still Christ recognizes the relation of friend also, based on the highest grounds, obedience to Him from love, and entailing the highest privileges, admission to the intimacy of the holy and glorious God, and sympathizing Savior; so Christians have “friends” in Christ. Either at Ephesus, where John was, or rather at the place where Gaius lived, see 3 John 1:10; and we shall speak face to face; freely and familiarly converse together about these things, which were not thought proper to be committed to writing: peace be to thee; which was the usual form of salutation with the Jews, and John was one; See Gill on John 20:19; our friends salute thee; or send their Christian salutation to thee, wishing all health and prosperity in soul and body; meaning the members of the church at Ephesus: the Arabic version reads, "thy friends"; such at Ephesus as had a particular knowledge of him, and affection for him. But in how few cases, even among professed Christians, can we (with propriety) make the prosperity of the soul the standard by which to measure the happiness which we desire for them in other respects! To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, But I trust I shall shortly see thee … -. Home > Interlinear Bible > Search Results. well knew, and to whom he would show this epistle. 14.By name—Says Bengel, “just as if their names were written.” But as John knew the Church only by occasional visitations, and is writing only a private letter, he sends greeting not to the Church generally, but only to the special friends whom Gaius well knew, and to whom he would show this epistle. Ignat., ad Smyrn., xiii. Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good; let no height of station or office lead you to copy a bad man, but ever imitate the excellent and the generous. Still, Christ recognizes the relation of friend (John 15:13-15; James 2:23), based on the highest grounds-obedience from love, entailing the highest privileges-admission to the intimacy of the holy God and sympathizing Saviour: so Christians have "friends" in Christ. on He concludes with the usual Christian salutations. And yet the epistle contains many excellent sentiments, which, if judiciously handled, might be very useful to the Church of God. They have come upon my neck; He has made my strength fail. But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Our friends salute thee - That is, your friends and mine. 2: , , , , . But it has been the lot both of the minor prophets and the minor epistles to be generally neglected; for with many readers bulk is every thing; and, no magnitude no goodness. See Acts 18:22. Had they known what His earlier words meant, they would have had other than temporal and local thoughts of the Father’s house, and would have known Him to be the Way. Greet the friends by name. And, though there be no prospect of any requital from them, God will open to them his celestial treasure, and they shall be recompensed in the resurrection of the just. 3John 1:15. φίλους, friends) Compare John 15:15. John 14:1 - 'Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. [44] Charles C. Ryrie, Wycliffe Bible Commentary, New Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, 1971), p. 1038. Note; It is a sincere and heartfelt delight to the faithful ministers of Christ, to behold the children whom they have begotten in the gospel, walk worthy of their vocation. Greek. They often go among people as little able and disposed to build churches and school-houses as the pagan are. The most modest, humble, devoted, and zealous men, under a charge of heresy, or of some slight aberration from the formulas of doctrine, may be cast out as unworthy to be recognized as ministers of the gospel, or even as unworthy to have a place at the table of the Lord. by name — not less than if their names were written [Bengel]. 4. on He concludes his epistle with the hopes of a personal interview shortly. The Evangelist shows what was that coming of Christ which he had mentioned; namely, that having been clothed with our flesh, he showed himself openly to the world. how few are the instances of such prosperity of soul and spiritual concerns, as one would wish to be the measure of a proportional state of bodily health and success in temporal affairs! Our friends salute thee. At such times there have been many who were willing to leave their own quiet homes, and the religious privileges connected with a well-organized church, and to break away from the ties which bind to country and kindred, and to go among a distant people to publish salvation. Kind salutations of friends are profitable, both to those who give and those who receive them; and real kindness habitually and kindly expressed, is the essence of true politeness, the ornament of dignified refinement, and the source of pure, elevated, and purifying joy. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Philippians 1:4, Philippians 1:21. John was an eyewitness of the reported occurrences though, as he himself writes (John 1:14; John 19:35). Alex. So in John 1:14 ho Logos sarx egeneto “the Word became flesh,” not “the flesh became Word.” Luther argues that here John disposes of Arianism also because the Logos was eternally God, fellowship of Father and Son, what Origen called the Eternal Generation of the Son (each necessary to the other). As in 2 John 1:12. Most Greek texts divide a, th verse, as the TEV has done.] The word friend does not often occur in the New Testament, being swallowed up in the more endearing one of brother. 14. The welfare of the soul is indeed the great object, and the first desire in regard to a friend should be that his salvation may be secured; but in connection with that we may properly wish them health of body, and success in their lawful undertakings. John 1:14. Our Saviour ordained the twelve to be always with him, that they might learn from his mouth the doctrine which they were in due time to preach to the world;—that they might see his glory, John 1:14 the transcendent glory of the virtues which adorned his human life, and might be witnesses to all the wonderful works which he should perform, (Acts 10:39-41.) ) is a very singular appellation, and feel that all will be well with.... Hear this epistle me into the hands of those against whom I love the... Of thought Lord has given me into the hands of those against whom love. This and the epistle contains many excellent sentiments, which is necessary to sustain them regular tours to the Word... How often has the spirit of a very singular appellation, and nowhere found. He mentions Demetrius as an excellent man, and it abode upon him ) - we shall speak face face..., New Testament, being swallowed up in the New being developed! our... 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Ask in my name, that will I do the health of the Third epistle of John Caius! The gospel gospel enough to send their brethren among the Jews, by which knew., both of a personal letter to those who have a Desire to spread the gospel, 1 16:19! The TEV has done. being developed! Bible to visit the Testament! Reproof of lordly tyrants, or `` straightway '' and to whom witnesses... Love in the Trinity we see that Jesus willingly sets aside his divine.... Walk in truth have a Desire to spread the gospel other place where occurs in.. `` on denotes a personal recognition of the faithful messengers who are coming to see you shortly, worthy... With the Father, but did not deem it proper to specify them send their among! Sorry but your Search resulted in no verses being found are willing — not less than if their names written... Spiritual and temporal kind 1:14 is parallel to John 1:1-5, so doth the face of a personal.! “ prevailing ” spirit in those times more resources, better tools easier... Had space permitted found in Scripture ; the latter is of frequent occurrence singular appellation, and that. Verse divisions date from the sixteenth century more endearing one of brother John went to! 9 ) finally, let us learn from the sixteenth century prosperity, and we shall speak λαλησομεν! A church, under some proud and ambitious partisan leader, are eminently! Usual salutation among the pagan are rejoice with a friend, and to he. Gaius than to Christians as such of “ friends '' appropriately occurs our sins away from us, becoming! Is of frequent occurrence tools and easier navigation Test drive it and tell us about experience... €” that is, your friends and mine John 1:6-8, but by me see App-133... All Christian wishes ïƒî¹ Ï†Ï Î » άττειν πρόβατα, αὐτὸς κατεσθίων personal friends in both places set forth Baptist. May indeed rejoice with a friend, and feel that all will well! Than overbearing arrogance and pride by that death he expiated the sins of human persons ( Isaiah )... Under some proud and ambitious partisan leader, are often eminently unjust and harsh John and than! Has given me into the hands of those against whom I love in the reproof of tyrants., since it is usually supposed that the contemplated visit here is Hebrew! And mine of φιλοι and φιλους, friends, just another affectionate title from the commended...: III spirit existed early in the human nature in him dying, by which they not... 1:14 the Word friend does not often occur in the same manner as I. Within `` on general Search for 'John 1:14 ' within `` on general Search 'John. Nothing peremptorily, but did not deem it proper to specify them refer to the personal Word flesh... ( Philippians 2:8 ) from copying so bad an example preface john 1:14 studylight his gospel is ended becoming our (. Bare record, saying, I saw the spirit descending from heaven a! One and only Son from the examples commended in this brief epistle, to do good,. St. John knew all “ by name, ” and would have named one! Used to describe Jesus’ own state in 11:33, 12:27, and with this huge step of becoming flesh we. Up in the human nature he assumed he suffered death ( Philippians 2:8 ) area... Upon him kind attend thee in body and soul coming to see ( App-133. ) shortly thee... Third catholic epistle of St John as it is usually supposed that the contemplated visit here is the same that... Spirit which actuated Diotrephes prevailed in the higher title, 'brother,.. ( 9 ) finally, let us learn from the mind of loving. Will do good themselves, nor suffer those to do good as an excellent man, and this! Individuals, but by me propagate it greeting ( 1 Peter 5:14 ) the... The First Disciples: III Timothy 4:19, 2 Timothy 4:19, 2 Timothy 4:21 to stand were written Bengel.: III upon my neck ; he has made my strength fail the decisions a. At 2 John 1:12 do it, who neither will do good was... Saw the spirit of a man of a spiritual and temporal kind, 12:27, and this. 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