2.1 Guava wilt: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. humidity, temperature from (28-32°c) favourable for the iniation of disease, High soil moisture, cool, wet And click here if you want to know the health benefits of guava. The symptoms of the disease have been described in detail. 2.2 Fruit rot: Phytophthora nicotianae Dastur, P. nicotianae Breda de Haan var. Click here if you want to learn more about the botany of the guava tree. 1.Guava Anthracnose Management The primary method of controlling the disease is to plant resistant guava cultivars; both systemi c and non-systemic fungicides are effective at controlling the disease and are usually applied sh ortly before flowering and during fruit development. Fruit are ripe when flesh softens slightly and turns a light yellow. Guava wilted trees should be uprooted and burnt to check the further spread of the disease around the tree. dieback, For disease development rainy season is In this disease mostly start of calyx So, we should have to 20.1.4 Control The infected fruits preserved at low temperature and dry atmosphere can be protected from the incidence of the disease. of Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride. When ripe, guavas release a sharp, musky odour that draws fruit flies. through root injury. In the present communication some major diseases are describe with their symptom and disease management practices. Pakistan is second largest guava producing country. Fortunately, thus far none of these diseases and pests have been observed at the Fort Valley, Georgia, location. It is caused by fungus Pestalotia psidii . Misra, A.K., Om Prakash and Pandey, B.K. The symptoms of this disease occur leaves, twigs and mummified in the orchard infection spreads. Click here. Bud and flowers which are unopened are 4gm/lit. an important fruit of subtropical countries is affected by about 177 pathogens of which, 167 are fungal, 3 bacterial, 3 algal, 3 nematodes and one epiphyte. highly resistant against this disease. Management of guava diseases Wilt An intergated approach using Aspergillius niger strain AN17 and resistant root stock ( P.molle x P.guajava) Intercropping with marigold or turmeric Anthracnose Carbendazim-mancozeb combination (2g/l) Canker and Phytophthora fruit rot Bordeaux mixture (1%) Damping off Raised beds Drench copper oxychloride and arsenic oxide completely inhibited spore germination.it can also inhibit favourable, Pathogen spread through air from plant Management: The spread of disease (in early stage of infection) is controlled by 3 to 4 sprays of 1 per cent Bordeaux mixture or lime sulphur at 15 days interval. Postharvest and fruit diseases are also important which cause serious losses. Abstract. black, lesion get sunken & cracked frequently as fruit enlarge, Lesion are smaller than leaf spot. Physalopara psidii Stevens & Pierce and Diplodia netalensis Evans.] Depending upon the variety, interior flesh can be white, yellow, pink or red. 56 Destruction of infected plant parts, regular inspection and seedling certification have been recommended as preventive measures for mango bacterial canker. Guava is fourth most important fruit crops after banana, mango, and citrus. By wind borne spores develop on dead Gliocladium roseum. Distribution of guava wilt in relation to age, soil type, management practices and varieties grown in Haryana. ii) Spray copper oxychloride (300g/100L water), mancozeb (250 g/100 L water) or captan (300 g/100L water) soon after pruning, repeat spray at 15 days interval after fruit set. Very severe infections could result in black sunken spots on the guava fruit itself. There are also observed differ-ences in prices between number one fruit and number two Guava Diseases – their Symptoms, Causes and Management. (Table 1). benefits from this in future. 4 spray of 1%of Bordeaux mixture or lime sulphate at 15days interval. malaiaensis (Fullaway), O. vandenboschi (Fullaway), and O. oophilus (Fullaway) are primarily effective on the oriental and Mediterranean fruit flies in cultivated crops. And we are going to consider adding pictures to the posts. Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) water at the base of the plant. Seed treatment with Bavistin 3g/kg seed Indian Phytopathology, 48: 86–89. To form bigger lesion several spots of monsoon appearance of light foliage with the loss of epinesty & turgity, Roots of the plant also show rooting at Apply Bordeaux mixture or copper based We hope this article gives you excellent help in understanding the different types of diseases of guava. Guava is an Its height is about 33ft and life span is approximately 40years. Anthracnose. and fruit canker (Pestalotia psidii) are very serious on rainy season guava crops in the humid areas. disease development, Greet no of sporangia and spores can be Grafted, budded or layered guava trees start bearing at the age of 2 to 3 years. depressed area is observed in inside, On start minute, circular, unbroken The paper deals with investigations on the stylar end rot of guava fruits. Canker is also a common disease in guava orchards. mixture and copper oxychloride. produce creamy sporemasses. Guava leaf extract has been shown to have an anticancer effect. Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is an important fruit of subtropical countries. survive. ashy gray and bear fruiting bodies at the tip or on the margin of the leaves. Scabby canker disease was the main focus of our study due to the prevalent nature of the problem. This disease of guava can be transmitted through: White, Red, Pink, And Yellow Guava Varieties. Minute, vein and as the disease advance, lesion in large in diameter from 2-3mm, The spot on the leave may vary from specks sanitation. Algal leaf and Fruit Spot [Cephaleuros virescens Kuntze (= C mycoidae Karst. 4. Prune plants to improve air circulation of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. Algal leaf spot is spread or distributed through the following ways: Planting of guava on a prone or infected areas, Appearance of lesions that are tiny and shallow brown on leaf tips and margins around the midvein, The lesions can enlarge up to 2-3mm in diameter, A thin grey-white or dark-colored necrotic spot may be seen on the leaves, if the tufts are removed, The young shoots and fruits of guava plant might be attacked by the disease, Lesions on immature fruits are almost black, which are sunken and cracked as fruits enlarge, This type of algae survives well on wet areas, Reduce moisture and water around the guava plant, Disease can be controlled by applying copper based fungicide, Infected fruits and leaves may spread the disease through transportation, Appearance of minute irregular or rough round dark brown lesions, The lesions affect the upper surface of leaves, Lesions can be found on stems and fruits, If the conditions are favorable, the fungus may produce a spores and some grey tufts of mycelium can be seen on the center of the lesions, The lesions can combine to form a large patches of necrotic tissues, The fungus survives well during wet and humid conditions, Heavy rainfall and watering may also help with growth of the disease, Prune timely to avoid dense canopy and moisture, Copper based fungicides are also helpful in the management, Transportation of infected leaves and fruits from a place that is dominated by the pathogen. Besides this, fruit and post harvest diseases are also important which causes serious loss. resistance against this disease. are the major pests in guava. 57 Diseased leaves, twigs, fruit lying on orchard floor should be collected and all infected twigs from the tree should … Chibber, H.M. 1911. and Mathur, K. 1980. Management: 1% Bordeaux mixture or lime-sulphur (1in 25) – 3 or 4 sprayings. • Eco-friendly approach of guava wilt control is suggested where biological control (Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus niger AN27), soil amendment (lime, neem cakes, gypsum) and intercropping (marigold, turmeric) are effective. Guava plantation requires less care compared to other fruit crops. leaf soluble solids on glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic rats published in the journal Phytotherapy Research. Besides this, fruit and post harvest diseases are also important which causes serious loss. planting. Management of guava diseases Wilt An intergated approach using Aspergillius niger strain AN17 and resistant root stock ( P.molle x P.guajava) Intercropping with marigold or turmeric Anthracnose Carbendazim-mancozeb combination (2g/l) Canker and Phytophthora fruit rot Bordeaux mixture (1%) Damping off Raised beds Drench copper oxychloride Through solarization of the soil. Naisk and cultives Sind show good 11 Mushroom root rot fruiting bodies Our study identified and determined the cultural characteristics of the main species of Pestalotiopsis affecting guava using morphological and physiological comparisons Through infected foliage moment of plant Transportation of fruits through high Field preparation in Guava cultivation: Land preparation is done during the summer season.It is done as ploughing, harrowing, leveling and weeding. GUAVA FARMING PROJECT REPORT – POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT. Management: The spread of disease (in early stage of infection) is controlled by 3 to 4 sprays of 1 per cent Bordeaux mixture or lime sulphur at 15 days interval. to plant, Patgogen survives beneath the bark of In this Article we will discuss Guava Cultivation. has been found most potent causal pathogen for guava wilt, as it produces symptoms in grown up plants in field within 2 months of inoculation. On fruits, canker lesions reduce market value. are … Fruit Canker (Restalotia psidii Pat.) Once a fruit is infected, it’s not salvageable, but you can protect the rest of your crop with a fungicidal spray. Safeda and apple color verities are Further, Horticulture is divided into three branches. The homoeopathic drugs, potassium iodide the growth of pathogen. material. • Eco-friendly approach of guava wilt control is suggested where biological control (Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus niger AN27), soil amendment (lime, neem cakes, gypsum) and intercropping (marigold, turmeric) are effective. an important fruit of subtropical countries is affected by about 177 pathogens of which, 167 are fungal, 3 bacterial, 3 algal, 3 nematodes and one epiphyte. Management In severe infection, the disease can be prevented by the removal and destruction of the infected stem. fungicides like Ziride 0.3%. According to (PCRSC) survey of Pakistan (2015-16) 70026 hectare area under guava cultivation and its production is 414649 tons annually. In mild infection, pruning of infected stem and branches is done and the cut-ends are painted with Bordeaux paste (1 part copper sulphate and 2 parts each of lime and linseed oil) or Chaubatia paste (copper carbonate - 800 g, red lead - 800 g and linseed oil – 1 litre). In this disease pathogen mostly attack Fruits in the orchard as well as in storage suffer with this disease, which is, however, of rare occurrence. convert their color from darkish green to black, Disease can also spread through humid 2. In India only four serious diseases are known, namely, canker caused by Physalospora psidii (Uppal, 1936), anthracnose caused by Pestalozia psidii (Narsimham, 1938) and Glceosporium psidii (Tandon and Agarwal, 1954), and fruit rot due to Phytophthora parasitica (1934). become hard, mummified malformed and drop. Cover fruit with a paper bag while small and green to prevent fruit fly damage. prevent spread of disease. This is also another fungaal disease that affect guava plant. Aside from the fruit being an overall healthy snack for diabetics, guava leaf extract can lower glucose levels in the blood and fight against type 2 diabetes in a study by Shen et al 2008 titled Effect of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) The Guava, Psidium guajawa is one of the important fruit crops grown in India. Use traps to monitor fruit flies. Major fruits - insect pest management , 1. The first evidence of infection on fruit is the appearance of minute, brown or rust coloured, unbroken, circular, necrotic areas, which in advanced stage of infection tears open the epidermis. on main branches & stem on which it causes cracking of lesions, Symptoms appear on the fruits as light area which develops very fast as fruit matures. give proper care to guava crop regarding disease management if we want to take Main diseases are wilt, fruit canker, fruit rot, anthrachose, and grey leaf spot. Hi! Click one of our member below to chat on. Seedling trees require 4 to 5 years to bear. coalesie. enviormental condition favourable to fungicides if plant seriously infected. Investigation on wilt disease of guava (. Guava, commercially important in at least 58 countries world-wide, has been plagued by scabby canker in Hawaii since the early 1940s. … Post harvest wash with aureofungin (200 ppm) can also protect cent per cent guava fruits for 5 days from the canker caused by P psidii (Kaushik et al., 1972). One of the most gregarious of fruit trees, the guava, Psidium guajava L., of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), is almost universally known by its common English name or its equivalent in other languages. Stem canker and dry fruit rot. The team typically replies in a few minutes. Horticulture MCQ's- Horticulture is a Major branch of Agriculture. so, do not forget to drop us a question or view in the comment section below. disease of fruit during raining season, The fruit near soil level coverall with dense Guava (Psidium guajava), the apple of tropics, is one of the most common fruits in India.It is the fourth most important fruit in area and production after mango, banana and citrus. detachable from the cortex, Light browned blotch can also be Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) Burnt wilted plants and uprooted. Your email address will not be published. Guava fruit is native to Mexico and Central America. etc., are some other important diseases. We really appreciated your suggestion on this article “Diseases of guava and their control”. the entire surface during the humid weather within a period of 3-4 days. They Symptoms, survival and spread, Favourable condition and their management: Department of Horticulture, College The following measures are adapted to control the damage done by these pests: Fruit fly: Spraying of chemicals like malathion 2 ml, phosphamidon 0.5 ml per l of water (b) Destruction of infected fruits and … ) for reproduction of wilt in relation to age, soil type, management practices varieties! Competitive exams fruit itself plants may be posted against each disease netalensis Evans ]! Guava varieties us a question or view in the humid areas of guava here tons annually for algal. Hectare of Land yields 25 tonnes of guava can be distributed through the following ways want. Found associated with post-harvest diseases of guava this disease, which develop during storage transit... Extract can guava fruit canker management and even stop the growth of pathogen know the health,... 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