But new evidence of a 19th century earthquake indicates that in at least one portion of the fault, smaller earthquakes may occur in between such large rupture events. The Alpine Fault has a high probability (estimated at 30%) of rupturing in the next 50 years. The last such earthquake took place in 1717. Kirilova, Martina Atanasova. 74 ... on the Alpine Fault [7-11]. The Southern Alps have been uplifted on the fault over the last 12 million years in a series of earthquakes. Representatives of fifty organisations from throughout Otago met in Dunedin today to participate in planning for the first week of response to a major Alpine Fault earthquake. Professor Waters said the Akatore Fault remained a bigger threat to Dunedin than the Alpine Fault, which runs the length of the South Island. T he science and impact of an earthquake on the Alpine Fault will be the topic of two workshops in the Mackenzie district next week. "The old Akatore earthquake would have been similar in magnitude to the 2016 Kaikoura quake, with tens of kilometres of rocky coast affected, and the old shore lifted out of the water, well beyond the reach of the waves," says Professor Dave Craw. Mw7.0 Greek islands off the coast of western Turkey, Meridional Heat Transfer - Ocean and Atmosphere, Today's Climate Change and the Permian-Triassic Boundary, Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox. The Kaikōura earthquake ... identified on The Humps Fault prior to the earthquake [22], and a recurrence interval of 13,000±8710 years was assigned to the fault [23]. This means, the Alpine Fault is late in its seismic cycle … The four most recent earthquakes uncovered by the researchers at the site range in dates from 1084 to 1848. The Alpine Fault is a geological fault that runs almost the entire length of New Zealand's South Island (c. 480 km) and forms the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. As the last quakes lifted a large stretch of New Zealand's southeastern coast up by two-three metres, a University of Otago team has been studying the effects on populations of coastal species. Xiaoming Wang, Caroline Holden, William Power, Yaoru Liu, Joshu Mountjoy, Seiche Effects in Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, in an Mw8.2 Alpine Fault Earthquake, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 10.1007/s00024-020-02595-w, (2020). PhD funded by QuakeCoRE to undertake 3d shear wave velocity modelling for ground motion simulations in Dunedin and Mosgiel. "By comparison, the Kaikōura Earthquake in 2016 ruptured a total fault length of 200km in the space of about two minutes," said Holden. We have currently located 63 aftershocks, with 16 being magnitude 3 and above, this is … The most recent earthquake could represent a "partial-section" rupture of only the central portion of the Alpine fault, a rupture of the fault's northern section that continued southwest into the central segment, or even triggered slip from a rupture along the nearby Marlborough Fault System. Earthquake-induced tsunami. Your feedback will go directly to Science X editors. How many aftershocks have there been, and is this normal? The project goal is to improve the South Island's collective response capability to deal with a future magnitude 8 earthquake. However, the findings do suggest that seismic activity on the Alpine Fault is more complex than suspected, particularly along its northern reaches where the plate boundary transitions into another fault zone. This was "clearly devastating" for coastal species like kelp and shellfish, which were left literally high and dry. The effects will be amplified in South Island mountainous regions and high country where enormous damage can occur … Just days after South Island residents were shaken awake by a 5.5 magnitude Alpine Fault quake, University of Otago earthquake expert Professor Mark Stirling warns there's a bigger threat to Dunedin. But if it happened again, given the population and buildings in the area, we wouldn't be so lucky. The Prof Stirling warns these effects would be "much worse" for Dunedin than a major Alpine Fault quake. Radiocarbon dating places this earthquake between 1813 and 1848. The Akatore Fault is close (20km or less)," he says. "The Akatore Fault is the most active fault in Otago, and is the highest hazard fault for Dunedin," he told Newshub. 5.0 earthquakes and aftershocks in 1997, which occurred close to the central part of the Alpine fault. The Alpine Fault is sometimes compared with California's San Andreas Fault, being another fast-moving strike slip fault near a plate boundary. ... Dr Simon Cox, who is a principal scientist at GNS Science in Dunedin, will also speak. This fault has ruptured four times in the past 900 years, each time producing an earthquake of about magnitude 8. The Alpine Fault runs for about 600km along the west of the Southern Alps. These effects are covered in other papers within this special issue. Synthetic ground motions are used as a forcing boundary to drive lake water motions by further developing a tsunami simulation model—COMCOT—and coupling it with earthquake simulation model outputs. "It has had a heightened state of activity in the geologically recent period after a long period of quiescence," Prof Stirling told Newshub. Dr Caroline Orchiston from the Centre of Sustainability, University of Otago, outlines a new initiative called Project AF8, a multi-agency approach to response and resilience planning for a magnitude 8 earthquake in the South Island. The most likely source of tsunami events which may affect Otago’s eastern coastline are large earthquakes (magnitude > 8), which cause a vertical displacement of the seabed along a fault line. It is therefore prudent to consider the Akatore Fault as potentially the most likely source of future strong ground shaking for Dunedin.". New evidence for geologically recent earthquakes near Portland, Oregon metro area, River sediment history suggests it was climate change, not Mongol invasion that doomed Transoxania, New constraints on alternative gravity theories that could inform dark matter research, Best of Last Year: The top Phys.org articles of 2020, Large ionized bubble around NGC 5585 X-1 investigated in detail, Magnetically controlled, hydrogel-based smart transformers. This study investigates the potential for seismic seiches in Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, triggered by ground shaking from an Mw8.2 Alpine Fault earthquake. Dr Cox and Prof Bradley are speaking only at the Mackenzie events. In the south of the country, eastward-directed subduction occurs beneath Fiordland on the Puysegur Subduction Zone. Prof Stirling recently said he wanted to make Otago people aware that there were potentially hazardous earthquake sources that were closer to Dunedin than the Alpine Fault. The Alpine fault is the Pacific-Australian plate boundary in the South Island of New Zealand. Professor Craw said the old Akatore earthquake would have been similar in magnitude to the 2016 Kaikōura quake, with tens of kilometres of rocky coast affected, and the old shore lifted out of the water, well beyond the reach of the waves. As large earthquakes have not been experienced in the area of interest in the historical and instrumental records, user-specified scenario simulations are of great value. The Alpine Fault is a big feature of South Island geography and seismic activity. Magnitude-8.0 or greater earthquakes were expected on the Alpine Fault approximately every 300 to 500 years. The best paleoseismic evidence to date suggests the southern and central sections of the Alpine Fault, at the boundary separating the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, typically rupture during very large full-section earthquakes of magnitude 7.7 or larger. The effects of graphite and porosity on the mechanics of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. In her talk Dr Orchiston will outline the science behind the Alpine Fault, progress of Project AF8 so far and describe some of the key issues that will be most relevant for Dunedin in the event of an Alpine Fault earthquake. However, most of the motion on the fault is strike-slip (side to side), with the Tasman district and West Coast … "One of the real challenges with the Alpine Fault—because it is so bush-covered—is actually finding sites that have been cleared and therefore can be studied," said Langridge. This is very strong shaking that would be damaging for Dunedin's old buildings," Prof Stirling told Newshub. A smaller seismic event on a local offshore fault could also produce tsunami events along sections of Otago’s coast. The next Alpine Fault earthquake would likely also be a long-duration event – unzipping the crust for as much as three minutes - because of the sheer length of the fault. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. The planning workshop is part of a series being led by Jon Mitchell, Project AF8 Programme Manager, in each of the 6 Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group areas across the South Island in preparation for an eventual … Get all the information you need to get around Dunedin. In between earthquakes, the Alpine Fault is locked. His work involves: fault and earthquake research in the South Island; the mapping of rock avalanches, earthquake-induced landslides and alluvial fan flooding hazards; and building a digital geological map dataset of Antarctica. ... Large earthquakes are less common along the central Alpine Fault, ... Dunedin Otago 4.9 12 km 45.97°S 170.52°E Widespread chimney damage in southern suburbs of Dunedin 5 November 1974 Opunake Taranaki 6.0 5.4: 12 km GeoNet has issued a warning following a magnitude 5.5 quake this morning near Milford Sound. The content is provided for information purposes only. Therefore, almost all local trips and inter-district trips from these three districts will be cancelled. 5(b)). PHOTO: PROJECTAF8.CO.NZ “What we know about the Alpine Fault is that it tends to produce big earthquakes, roughly every 300 years,” Dr Orchiston said. The Canterbury Plains could suffer more damage in an Alpine Fault quake than some areas closer to the fault, say researchers - and it is not alone. "There is no reason to assume that the heightened activity has died off, as it's been less than 1000 years since the last event. The roadshow is supported by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, the six South … The events were confirmed by data collected from other nearby trenching sites and from geological deposits called turbidites, which are sediments shaken loose into a body of water by seismic activity, in lakes along the central section of the Alpine fault. Approximate rupture dates are 1717AD, 1620 AD, 1450 AD, and 1100 AD. Has this earthquake had any impact on the Alpine Fault? This active transform fault ruptures in a large earthquake every 291 ± 23 years, most recently in 1717. Dunedin’s earthquake hazard was higher than Auckland’s. Do equations for groundwater flow refer to water density? A rupture along the full length of the fast-slipping Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island poses the largest potential seismic threat to the southern and central parts of the country. This is a list of large earthquakes that have occurred in New Zealand. Fortunately this was before the historic settlement of New Zealand. "The Akatore Fault and the Titri Fault are very close to the city, and if they had their major earthquakes they would shake the city very, very badly compared with what … Langridge and colleagues said that there isn't enough evidence yet to favor one of these scenarios over the others. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, and provide content from third parties. You can be assured our editors closely monitor every feedback sent and will take appropriate actions. or, by Seismological Society of America. The way that earthquake stresses around faults interact is very complex. Prof Davies is in the United Kingdom on sabbatical at present so could not be reached for comment on Monday's earthquake and its impact on the Alpine Fault. A big quake on the Alpine Fault could block South Island highways in more than 120 places and leave 10,000 people cut off, new research has estimated. In collaboration with AF8, University of Otago, GNS Science, QuakeCoRE, Emergency Management Otago, and Resilience to Nature's Challenges. Thank you for taking your time to send in your valued opinion to Science X editors. Alpine Fault; Climate; Controlled Source Seismology; Earthquake science; Economic geology; Environmental geology; Geochemistry; Geophysics; Gold; Paleomagnetism; ... now extending the 1D simulations to 2D in order to model the site response from the sediment profiles beneath parts of Dunedin, and from the fault-controlled Taieri sedimentary basin. ... which occurred close to the central part of the Alpine … 5G and future 6G terahertz absorbed by water vapour = heating? "One of the outcomes of this study is that you should expect a shorter recurrence interval of strong shaking at fault section ends," Langridge said. In order to prevent massive damage to Dunedin, Prof Stirling urges authorities to put in place effective hazard and risk communication plans to warn the public, and emergency management plans that deal with an Akatore Fault earthquake scenario. New evidence of a 19th century earthquake on New Zealand's Alpine fault suggests that in at least one portion of the fault, smaller earthquakes may occur in between such large rupture events. "Because of the recurrence times of earthquakes though, you obviously have to wait a long time to see the effects of such fault behavior. The fault is not explicitly … At this stage we are unsure of how the Alpine Fault may have been affected, though it is likely that any effect would be very small. "I would not expect the Alpine Fault to produce damaging ground shaking in Dunedin as it's too far away from the city. "Once we started working there [at the Staples site] the story really grew in large part because of the richness of dateable organic material in the trenches.". A graphic shows an indicative line of the Alpine Fault in relation to Wanaka and Queenstown. "The ancient Akatore uplift was big enough to eliminate entire populations of intertidal species," the researchers say. Your opinions are important to us. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1449240174198-2'); }); The findings published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America suggest that some places along the fault, particularly around the towns of Hokitika and Greymouth, could experience strong ground shaking from Alpine fault earthquakes more often than previously thought. Evidence is growing the South Island's Alpine Fault, capable of devastating earthquakes of magnitude 8 and above, ruptures more frequently than previously believed. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no and Terms of Use. ... so for us … The next quake is predicted to be around magnitude 7-7.4. "We are calculating peak ground accelerations of >0.5g for Dunedin. This document is subject to copyright. . ... (including Alpine Fault) are going to be taken into consideration in future scope of this study. A new model has simulated the disruption a major Alpine Fault earthquake would have on the South Island's transport network - cutting off the West Coast for at least a week. The fault's last quakes were between 1280 years and 760 years ago and moved the ground up to two metres vertically. The 3.24am quake was 5km deep and reported by more than 600 people around Queenstown and Wanaka. After trenching along the fault at the Staples site near the Toaroha River, however, Robert Langridge of GNS Science and colleagues uncovered evidence of a more recent earthquake along the northeastern end of the fault's central portion. Only earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 or greater are listed, except for a few that had a moderate impact. Scientists are now studying whether we should expect another Akatore Fault earthquake in the immediate future. Our modelling results … Dunedin buses. It is clear from these results that the … You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. Hear from leading Alpine Fault scientists about the likely impacts of an Alpine Fault earthquake in your area and how we can be better prepared for such an event. Listen: Mike Puru talks with geologist Martha Savage about New Zealand's largest faultline. Recent research (published in 2012) by GNS Science has extended our knowledge of the Alpine fault earthquake record back through the past 8000 years. "By comparison, the Kaikōura Earthquake in 2016 ruptured a total fault length of 200km in the space of about two minutes," said Holden. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. Credits: Image: Getty; Audio: Magic Talk. Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email. Fault line . This study analyzes 195 earthquakes recorded during the 6 month duration of the Southern Alps Passive Seismic Experiment (SAPSE) in 1995/1996 and two M₁. An Alpine Fault earthquake will be felt by every South Islander and likely many North Islanders, too. "The San Andreas Fault, being on the opposite side of the Pacific plate, it is like our distant brother or whanau—family," said Langridge. Current work and … We provide bus services in Queenstown and Dunedin to help you get to where you need to go. Brendon Bradley, professor in earthquake engineering at the University of Canterbury, has created a computer simulation of the likely impact of a magnitude 8 earthquake on the Alpine Fault. ... response planning and community engagement designed to build a collective resilience and preparedness to the next … ... New Zealand’s Alpine Fault is a major crustal-scale structure that accommodates around 75% of relative Australian-Pacific plate motion. It last ruptured in 1717 and there is a big earthquake, on average, about every 300 years, but the times vary so there is thought to be about a 30% risk of the next ‘Big One’ in the next fifty years. A rupture along the full length of the fast-slipping Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island poses the largest potential seismic threat to the southern and central parts of the country. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by Phys.org in any form. The fault runs for about 20km onshore - between about Taieri Mouth and Toko Mouth - and possibly more than 40km offshore. ", "That's why paleoseismology is a vital tool in understanding faults," he added, "because otherwise we'd have only short insights into the past.". "We do think that it's in a heightened phase of activity, and it's hard to say how long that will last. 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