If you are having difficulty in paying your rates, you should contact your council as soon as possible to discuss the options available. The Pensioner Concession card forms the basis upon which rates rebates will be granted to eligible pensioners. The rebate will be limited to a cap of $750 for the 2017-18 rating year. Can council change the category of your land? PO Box 152, Cessnock NSW 2325. It's difficult to list everything that your rates contribute to each year, but we've given it a go . PO Box 152, Cessnock NSW 2325. It is up to each council to decide whether to grant additional concessions. Within rate-pegging it is possible for some rates to increase by more than the rate-peg limit while others may increase by less than the rate-peg limit. Councils that choose to levy the charge have to meet certain requirements, including consulting with their community through their annual planning process prior to levying the charge. Pensioner Concessions on Council Rates and Charges Under the Local Government Act 1993, eligible pensioners are provided concessions on their ordinary rates and domestic waste management services charge. So if your land is, for example, categorised as residential you may pay a lower rate per dollar of land value than if your land is categorised as business. However it is up to each council to decide whether they want to do this. Browse information about Concessions, rebates and assistance. Pensioner Concession Rates Application Form 2020 Pensioner Concession Rates Application Form 2020. Because of rate pegging, council’s overall rates revenue cannot increase by more than the percentage increase approved by the minister. Rate pegging is the limit set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) by which a Council may increase the total income it will receive from rates. Councils must consider any submissions by the public before adopting the plan. However, Council has considerable flexibility in working out the "mix" of income sources. To apply for a pensioner rebate please complete the Pensioner Concession application, and return to Council along with a copy of each applicant’s concession card. Download file: Pensioner_Concession_Form_2020.pdf. If a council’s application is approved, IPART will specify the percentage by which the council may increase its general income. Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate If joint owners are eligible for a pensioner concession, a separate form will need to be completed by each owner to receive the maximum rebate, otherwise only a partial rebate will be granted. The limit is set by the Minister on an annual basis and is for the total income received not a percentage per individual property. Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates & Charges Rebate ... 2 Hely St / PO Box 20 Wyong NSW 2259 Gosford Office: 49 Mann St / PO Box 21 Gosford NSW 2250 P 1300 463 954 l E ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au l W centralcoast.nsw.gov.au l ABN 73 149 644 003 Page 1 of 5. These values are revised approximately every 3 years. Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates & Charges Rebate 1 Wyong Office: 2 Hely St / PO Box 20 Wyong NSW 2259 Gosford Office: 49 Mann St / PO Box 21 Gosford NSW 2250 P 1300 463 954 l E ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au l W centralcoast.nsw.gov.au l ABN 73 149 644 003 If joint owners are eligible for a pensioner concession, a separate form will need to be If you do this, council must notify you of their decision and the reasons for that decision. All rates are calculated using land value. If you receive a pension or benefit you may be eligible for a concession even though someone else may jointly own and occupy the property. These services may include community services, sporting and recreation services, environmental planning, public health, environmental protection and waste collection, treatment and disposal. The land value is determined by the NSW Valuer General, not by Council. Understanding how rates are calculated can be confusing, but hopefully this information helps . Why did my rates go up by more than the rate peg percentage? Rebates on Council rates and charges are available to eligible pensioners. Council decides which category your property should be in based on its characteristics and use. Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate - Application Form. The draft operational plan must be made available to the public. Rates may vary from year to year based on a combination of annual maximum increases approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) rate pegging and special rate variations (SRV) and/or changes to land values as supplied to Council by the NSW Valuer General. More information. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Can you be exempt from paying council rates? Does a council have to apply the full rate peg increase? Pensioner Concessions on Council Rates and Charges Under the Local Government Act 1993, eligible pensioners are provided concessions on their ordinary rates and domestic waste management services charge. These include parcels of land within a national park and land that belongs to, for example, a religious body or school. Council is required by law to impose rates. If joint owners are eligible for a pensioner concession, a separate application form will need to be submitted by each owner to receive the maximum rebate, otherwise only a partial rebate will be granted. IPART is the independent economic regulator for NSW. They administer various laws and regulations to help maintain and improve services and facilities for the community. How are rates calculated. Under the Act, councils may apply for a single year increase under section 508(2), or a multi-year increase (of between two and seven years) under section 508A. Annual charges for domestic waste management services and stormwater must be calculated to reflect the reasonable cost of providing those services to the community. How to Apply for a Pension Rebate If you have a current Pensioner Concession Card (issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veteran Affairs) you may be eligible to a rate rebate. All rates are calculated using land value. Post: Send to PO BOX 37 HORNSBY NSW 1630 All NSW councils give a mandatory rebate of up to $250 to eligible pensioners. Council will determine your eligibility to receive a rebate of up to $250 on your rates account. This is called a revenue policy. You can only claim a concession on the property if it is the sole or principal place you live. You can also mail the form with a copy of your pension card or Department Veteran Affairs card to your regional office, or email it to council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au. • To secure the recovery of long-term overdue Rates and Charges. If you are not satisfied with the category given to your property, you may apply to council for the category to be reviewed. The cost of providing mandatory concessions is met by both state and local government. a war widow/er or wholly dependent partner entitled to the DVA income support supplement. If joint owners are eligible for a pensioner concession and they are not spouses, a separate form will need to be You may also be eligible to receive up to $87.50 on your annual water charges and up to $87.50 off your annual sewerage charges, if your council provides these services. Council issues quarterly consumption notices, the timing for these notices varies around the four towns within the Council. The Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to levy an annual charge for providing domestic waste management services on all parcels of rateable land for which the service is available, whether or not it is actually used. The cost of providing these concessions is shared between the State Government (55%) and local councils (45%). You hold a current pensioner concession card issued by either Centrelink or the Department of Veteran's Affairs. How councils decide how much you have to pay in rates and charges, How you can find out more about your council’s rates and charges, Rate pegging – what it means, who determines it and how, Special rate variations – what IPART takes into account, Support for people who cannot pay their rates, entirely on the land value of the property, on a combination of the land value of the property and a fixed amount per property. Council is legally required to levy rates (under the Local Government Act 1993).Rates income is vital for the delivery of a wide range of services which benefit the community. These activities may include stormwater pollution prevention, flood mitigation, rainwater and stormwater harvesting, community education programs and stormwater drainage systems operations and maintenance. Enquiries council@cessnock.nsw.gov.au Under the Local Government Act 1993, the total amount of income that a council can raise from certain rates and charges is limited. Rebates . Contact Details Walgett Shire Council – Rates Clerk. Land valuations. Councils can charge properties that do not use the service a different amount from those that do use it. You must do this within 30 days of receiving council’s review decision. Contact the court to find out how to lodge an appeal. Categories are important, because rates differ depending on the category of the land. A general revaluation by the Valuer-General may result in the value of some land in a council area increasing or decreasing by more than other land. The rate peg is determined on an annual basis. Unfiltered $0.50 per Kilolitre This includes managing and maintaining infrastructure such as local roads, libraries, sports complexes, sporting grounds, childcare centres, parks, playgrounds and street lighting. Northern Beaches Council will maintain existing rebates on rates and charges for eligible pensioners in accordance with the policies of the former Councils and hardship provisions for ratepayers experiencing genuine financial hardship in accordance with Council’s Rates and Annual Charges Hardship Policy. Concessions are available to eligible pensioners on their council rates, including: Note: In certain circumstances, rebates may be granted to people suffering financial hardship. Ratepayers who hold a pensioner concession card and meet the criteria may be eligible for a reduction on their Rates and Water accounts. In order to receive the pension concession on your rates please:-complete the pension application form. The cost of providing mandatory concessions is met by both state and local government. Does the amount of the concession increase with inflation or in line with rate increases? The draft operational plan must be put on exhibition to give members of the public an opportunity to comment. Council Account/ … You are an eligible pensioner if: You are liable for the rates and charges on a property, which is your sole or principal residence, and; You have a current pensioner concession card issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs; If you still don’t agree with the valuation, you have limited time to appeal to the Land and Environment Court . Customer Service 02 4993 4100. Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate. Pensioner Concessions. Find out if you are eligible and apply for a Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate from Council. Pensioner Concession Application Form. Under the Local Government Act 1993, the total amount of income that a council can raise from certain rates and charges is limited. You may be eligible for a concession on the grounds of hardship. Pensioner Concession. While Council's income from rates forms the largest single portion of revenue, this is generally . Pensioner Concession Card or State Concession Card are entitled to receive up to a 50% rebate on local government rates. Generally, the concessions are available to eligible pensioners, however concessions may be granted to … This policy must include details of all rates and charges that the council is proposing to levy on ratepayers. are liable to pay the rates and charges on a property which is your sole or principal place of residence, and; have a current pensioner concession card issued by Centrelink or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Please complete the Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate – Application Form (below) together with a photocopy of both sides of the Pension Concession Card. Half of your water rates or charges, up to a maximum of $87.50. You will need to have been a ratepayer in the Shire for three years to qualify. Unless you meet the exemption criteria outlined in the Local Government Act 1993, you cannot be exempt from paying rates. After Hours Emergency 02 4993 4100. The amounts of the concessions available on an annual basis are fixed by legislation. Property Number: Name: Concession Card Type (eg. WA Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are entitled to receive up to a 50% rebate local government rates. The Land and Property Information Division of the Department of Finance and Services will give you an objection form free of charge by calling 1800 110 038. The townships of Barooga, Berrigan and Finley are on a dual supply for water and the rates are as follows; Filtered $1.00 per Kilolitre. Your council will determine your eligibility to receive a rebate of up to $250 on your rates account. Can councils offer additional concessions for pensioners? Urbanisation has resulted in increases in impervious surfaces and has significantly increased the volume of and pollutant load in stormwater flowing into urban waterways. Please contact the rates section on (02) 4560 4610 for information on how to receive any rebates that may apply. and return to the Hornsby Shire Council Rates department via: Email: Send to rates@hornsby.nsw.gov.au. IPART must assess special variation applications against criteria set out in the Special Variation Guidelines, IPART must assess special variation applications against criteria set out in the Special Variation Guidelines. It is considered that all property owners should contribute to the current and future provisions of waste services. The Index assists in calculating the operational costs of councils in New South Wales. Even though certain rates and charges are not subject to rate pegging, councils are still required to provide details in their draft operational plan and related draft revenue policy of what they are proposing to charge. What can you do if you don’t agree with the categorisation of your property? OTHER OWNER DETAILS . Downloads You can apply for a rates rebate at your local council office. Enquiries council@cessnock.nsw.gov.au No. For more information on the Debt Recovery, Pensioner Concession & Hardship Policy click here. Do you have to pay a domestic waste management service charge if you don’t use the service?
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